​As real estate is inherently a long-term asset, the use of Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds (OZ Funds) for real estate investment strategies provides an investor the means to fully defer capital gains taxes after holding property in Opportunity Zones through an OZ Fund for ten (10) years.   Developers seeking to develop affordable housing in Opportunity Zones can look toward these OZ Funds as a source to fund their projects.  Additionally, state and local sources, either through loans, bonds or tax credits, are available to developers and organizations who are interested in creating new housing opportunities in the County's Qualified Opportunity Zones.

Florida Housing Finance Corporation Multi-Family Programs

1.Housing Credits - The Housing Credit program provides for-profit and nonprofit  organizations  with a dollar-for-dollar reduction in federal tax liability in exchange for the acquisition, substantial rehabilitation, or new construction of low and very low income rental housing units.   To learn more, click here

2. SAIL - The State Apartment Incentive Loan program (SAIL) provides low-interest loans on a competitive basis to affordable housing developers each year.  To learn more, click here

Palm Beach County Housing Finance Authority

1.Multi-Family Bond Program – The Authority issues tax exempt bonds for the development or acquisition and rehabilitation of multifamily rental housing complexes.  Owners of such facilities are required to set aside a portion of the units for lower income persons and families.   To learn more, click here

2. Developer Loan Program – The Authority has implemented a short–term loan program for the development of affordable housing.  To learn more, click here

Palm Beach County Impact Fee Affordable Housing Assistance Program 

Palm Beach County offers funding for roads, parks and public building impact fees due on the new  development of affordable for-sale, and rental housing.  To learn more, click here

Palm Beach County Workforce Housing Program

The County’s Workforce Housing Program is a mandatory program that provides certain incentives  for the development of workforce housing units in all new residential developments in unincorporated Palm Beach County.  To learn more, click here

Palm Beach County Housing and Economic Development

1. HOME Investment Partnership Program – Low-interest loans are offered to developers to construct or       rehabilitate affordable multi-family units for low and moderate income households (<80% AMI).  Loans are made available through competitive Request for Proposal processes issued on a periodic basis. 

2. State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) -  Low-interest loans will be available to developers to construct or rehabilitate affordable multi-family units for low to middle income households (60 – 140% AMI).   Loans are made available through competitive Request for Proposal processes issued on a periodic basis. 

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD is currently developing a website that will provide community leaders, entrepreneurs and investors with a common point of reference for all available Opportunity Zone information, tools, and resources.  For more information on HUD's plans, click here