Stop Sexual Violence logo

Victim Services Project Coordinator
Winter R. Jones

4210 North Australian Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Office - 561-625-2560

About Stop Sexual Violence

​Stop Sexual Violence in Palm Beach County (STOP SV in PBC) is a rape prevention education program developed by Palm Beach County Victim Services and Certified Rape Crisis Center.  Through key partnerships and targeted strategies, the program seeks to address the risk factors associated with sexual violence victimization and perpetration in an effort to decrease the occurrence of sexual violence in the community.

Men as Allies
  • Stop SV in PBC aims to mobilize both men and boys as allies in the fight against sexual violence. Coaching Boys into Men is a program that equips athletic coaches with the tools needed to teach their male athletes the importance of respect and non-violence.

    Watch Video

  • Request information about this program here.
Empowering Girls
  • The Girls Coordinating Council is a community collaborative focused on reforming and strengthening the system of care for girls and increasing the availability of gender responsive, trauma informed and strength-based services for girls in Palm Beach County.

    The Girls Voice Taskforce (GVTF); a subcommittee of the GCC focuses on empowering girls ages 12-19 in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, health and wellness and social emotional learning.

Sexual Violence Prevention Education for Employers
  • Through partnership with the Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO), STOP SV in PBC provides a bi-monthly Sexual Harassment and Workplace Culture training to educate and provide tools to small businesses related to workplace sexual violence prevention and the implementation of model policies.
  • Request a Sexual Harassment & Workplace Culture training here.