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Birth to 22 Holds Fifth Annual Task Force Meeting

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Birth to 22 Holds Fifth Annual Task Force Meeting


On December 15, Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures hosted its fifth annual stakeholder task force meeting virtually. The annual meeting serves to inform, engage and plan with the key champions, coalitions, and young people about the work of Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures. Over 215 individuals participated in the annual meeting.

Tammy K. Fields, Youth Services Department director and Lisa Williams-Taylor, CEO of the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County welcomed the group with a brief overview of accomplishments and reminding participants of the alliance's mission. Presentations included:

• Birth to 22 Ad Hoc Gaps Committee – created to support communities after the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing racial and economic disparities. This committee collaborated with Birth to 22's Racial Equity Core Team to focus efforts on areas with the greatest disparities and identify gaps to align support and advocacy;

• Racial Equity Core Team, a Birth to 22 workgroup with the primary charge of facilitating the responsibility of Palm Beach County G.A.R.E. (Government Alliance on Race and Equity), shared their accomplishments (including having 20 new organization commit to joining the local Advancing the Mission network), challenges, next steps, and recommendations.

• Future Leaders United for Change introduced their new adult supporters from Prime Time Palm Beach County (Anton Spaulding and Andrea Hurtado) and highlighted their many 2020 accomplishments including a podcast and their involvement with the Youth Summit Quaranteen;

• Collective Impact 3.0, a structured form of collaboration, discussed bringing multiple stakeholders together to create lasting social change.  Collaborations working with Birth to 22 include Hunger Relief, Achieve Palm Beach County, Securing Our Future and BeWell Palm Beach County.

The plenary portion of the meeting concluded with a compilation video of each action team and workgroup providing information on their teams. These videos will be added to Birth to 22's website in early January.

Following presentations, breakout sessions were held allowing participants to join one of the nine action teams' sessions. The sessions identified the data that drives their objectives, target work for 2020, and the needs of the action teams to continue moving forward in 2021. ​
