Tanya Tibby, LCSW, Youth Services Department's Chief of Community Based Clinical Services served as a panelist during the Black Youth Mental Health Town Hall on September 16 hosted by Bishop Craig Cobb. Also participating were Joycy Ann Lacombe, LHMC, Dr. Amanda Davis, Imma Pierre, Marsha Guthrie, Michael Allen and Elaine Nelson.
The virtual town hall gave parents and the community an opportunity to engage with the School District of Palm Beach County’s Black Student Mental Health and Wellness initiative subgroup through a Q & A discussion.
Tibby provided the audience with insight on the link between mental health and parent-child relationships, coping skill strategies, and the positive impact of youth utilizing safety plans to regulate their emotions. Additionally, she discussed the impact of racial and ethnic microaggressions related to Black youth mental health.
The Black Student Mental Health and Wellness initiative will compile the data collected from the town hall, along with findings from two additional sub groups for a presentation in October to Schools Supt. Dr. Donald E. Fennoy on the status of mental health of Black youth in Palm Beach County.