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Summer Food Service Program Adds 13 More Distribution Sites

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Summer Food Service Program Adds 13 More Distribution Sites


​The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) administered by Palm Beach County Youth Services is increasing the number food distribution locations. Beginning Monday, June 15, 13 more sites will be operating throughout Palm Beach County. The full list of food distribution sites may be viewed here.

The SFSP provides meals and snacks to eligible children age 18 and under during the summer months (June through August) and in times of emergency. Meals and snacks are also available to persons with disabilities, over age 18, who participate in school programs for people who are mentally or physically disabled. Youth Services administers and monitors this program, funded by USDA and the Department of Education. Sites are located throughout Palm Beach County in low-income neighborhoods.

Parents picking up kits without their child present must bring identification for the child. Meal kits will not be provided to parents who do not bring their child or do not provide proper identification. Proper safety measures must be practiced.

Sites will continue to distribute seven days' worth of meals to each eligible child once a week through Friday, August 7. For locations and times of service, visit

If interested in having a site become a meal distribution location with the Summer Food Service Program, contact Gus Wessel by email at
