Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) is working on a necessary repair to a water main on the south side of Lake Worth Rd. near Charleston St., west of Jog Rd.
The break occurred at approximately 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 16, 2024, when an outside contractor conducting construction work in the area accidentally ruptured the main.
PBCWUD crews responded to the scene and have isolated the main, reducing the total number of households affected. PBCWUD crews will remain on site until work is complete, and all necessary devices will be in place to redirect traffic as needed. Repair work will be ongoing until further notice.
PBCWUD is notifying all affected households with boil water instructions. Wastewater collection services are not impacted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank the community for patience and understanding as we complete the repairs as quickly and safely as possible.
Media Inquiries Contact: Beth Motschenbacher, Public Information Manager, (561) 493-6068 or