During the American Water Works Association Membrane Technology Annual Conference at Palm Beach County Convention Center, Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) presented their latest achievements in water sustainability and participated in the “Florida's Approach to Potable Reuse" panel discussion sharing their experience and insights with national and international water professionals. In addition, PBCWUD hosted a group from the conference for a tour of Water Treatment Plant 3, Southern Region Reclamation Facility and Green Cay Wetlands. “The collaboration and knowledge-sharing is the key to addressing the water scarcity issues and ensuring the availability of clean water for future generations," says Ali Bayat, P.E., PMP, PBCWUD Department Director.
Water treatment industry professionals came from across Florida, the United States and even internationally to learn more about Palm Beach County's operations, including the state-of-the-art facilities and processes used to deliver high-quality water to customers. Visitors included representatives from neighboring utilities in Manatee County, City of Pompano Beach and City of Ocala, along with engineers from private industry in locations as far away as Denmark and Sweden.
Media Inquiries Contact: Beth Motschenbacher, Public Information Manager, (561) 493-6068 or
Email: wudpr@pbcwater.com