It’s the rainy season in South Florida. We may experience flooding
in some areas. If your area is experiencing street or yard flooding, do not try to drain the areas by removing manhole covers or the caps from your wastewater cleanouts. Stormwater should not enter the wastewater collection system. Notify us immediately if you know of someone draining stormwater into the wastewater collection system. Check your wastewater cleanout. The cleanout is usually a small pipe, about 4" in diameter located outside your house that is used to access the sewer for cleaning. It’s normally near the house and/or near the property line. Make sure the cap to the cleanout pipe is not missing and has not been damaged. Replace missing caps so that stormwater cannot get into the wastewater collection line. By keeping the cleanout capped, you can also prevent unpleasant wastewater odors from escaping. With your help, we can keep inflows out of your neighborhood wastewater system reducing wastewater overflows and backups.
For more information or to report suspicious activity contact the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Communications line at 561-740-4600, #1.