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Code Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week

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Code Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week



On June 4, 2024, Commissioner Marino and the Board of County Commissioners presented the Planning, Zoning and Building Department's Code Enforcement Officers (CEOs) with a proclamation titled “Code Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week

Our CEOs are often not credited for the jobs that they do in improving neighborhoods and the overall quality of life. They are dedicated and well-trained professionals responsible for enforcing housing, building, zoning, property maintenance and other ordinances designed for the safety, health and well-being of our community.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our dedicated group of CEOs and staff at the Code Enforcement Division for their hard work and the jobs they do for the betterment of Palm Beach County.

Also, thank you to Commissioner Maria Marino for sponsoring the proclamation!

Picture (l-r): Code Enforcement Supervisor (CES) Paul Pickett, County Administrator Verdenia Baker, Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) Brian Burdett, PZB Executive Director Whitney Carroll, CES Dwayne Johnson, CEO Maggie Bernal, Contractor Certification Division Interim Director Richard Torrance, CEO Teresa Rouse, CES Elizabeth Gonzalez, PZB Deputy Director Cindy Hoskin, Code Enforcement Director Michele Pagan, CES Michelle Malkin-Daniels and Vice Mayor Maria Marino
