Palm Beach County 9-1-1 Technical Services is dedicated to ensuring that our current and future telecommuncators receive the best up to date training and education possible. We have teamed up with many different partners to provide this valuable tool through one on one training, online training programs, and a variety of conferences available. Palm Beach County maintains high standards in education to keep operators up to date with technology, and also to protect the citizens of our county.
The Denise Amber Lee Act
The Denise Amber Lee Act was passed unanimously by the Florida Legislature on April 24, 2008, as Florida State Statute 401.465. This law mandates minimum training standards and certification for Florida's 9-1-1 Public Safety Telecommunicators.
The Denise Amber Lee Foundation was founded with a mission to promote and support public safety through uniform training, standardized protocols, defined measurable outcomes, and technological advances to the 9-1-1 system.