| Name: Steen Eriksson Honor Guard Commander Rank: Captain-retired 2012 Date of Hire: 1981 HG Member Date: 1986 Life Member Why did you join the honor guard? I joined the Honor Guard because I believe it brings a sense of tradition, dignity and remembrance to the Fire Service when we are rendering Honors to a fallen firefighter. It also provides the opportunity to show respect to our National Colors as we perform opening ceremonies at events with local, national and international audiences. Being a part of the Honor Guard is just one of the things in my career that has provided a feeling of pride and fulfillment. |
| Name: Shawn Niedabalski Rank: Lieutenant Date of Hire: 1992 HG Member Date: November 2009 Why did you join the honor guard? Being in the Honor Guard for me is simple. I'm a 3rd generation firefighter in my family. My father was a firefighter and Honor guard member for Dunkirk Murry hose#4( union #616) for 42 years. My grandfather was also a firefighter from 1932 to 1935 and when I found my grandfathers discharge city certificate, I knew right then and there where and what I needed to do. To have a second family during a 30 year career is something special. To be there for my brothers and sisters in good times and in bad. To also give back especially when times are not so good. Loyalty, Integrity, Professionalism, Friendship, Passion are just a few of the terms I would use. I love what I do and I'm an Honor Guard member because I love my family. I appreciate everything that they have done for me on the home front and at the work level. I will continue to strive for excellence. Teach those who want to learn about what the Guard is all about and hopefully continue to make new friends along the way. I look forward to the events with my brothers and sisters each and every time. I also have to praise those who started this organization at PBCFR along with our management. Their understanding and support are our backbone, if you will, to our success. In closing, my dedication to the guard is right on my forearm and is a symbol(Honor Guard tattoo) of my passion. I will see you out there. Be safe and GOD bless. |
| Name: Gary Sands Rank: Lieutenant Date of Hire: 2002 HG Member Date: 2013 Why did you join the honor guard? I saw the Honor Guard perform at a ceremony very early in my career with PBCFR and was inspired. I knew that one day I wanted to be a part of this group. To me it seemed to be a great way to represent my determent and give back to my brothers and sisters in the fire service. One of the things I'm consistently impressed by is the sense of duty, honor, dignity and respect that is ever present in what we do. I also really enjoy the camaraderie with my fellow guard members. These are some very squared away and dedicated guys. |
 | Name: Scott Calvis Rank: Lieutenant Date of Hire: 2006 HG Member Date: 2011 Why did you join the honor guard? Being a part of the Honor Guard is one of my ways of giving back to the men and women of PBCFR and our extended firefighter family. I was drawn to the Honor Guard as a young man watching the various military guards and when I joined the Fire Service I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. Because of the commitment and personal sacrifices required to be an active Honor Guard member I waited until I was sure I was ready. Participating in the many events signifies my commitment to the high standards, professionalism, respect and tradition of both the Honor Guard and the Fire Service. I am extremely proud to wear the Honor Guard uniform and serve as member of the Honor Guard team. |
| Name: Mario Pico Rank: Firefighter Date of Hire: HG member Date: Sept.2019 Why did you join the Honor Guard? I am a second generation firefighter that has always been taught by my father to leave your fire department better than when you found it, and always give back more than you receive. The Honor Guard allows me to render honors to our fallen brothers and sisters, as well as their families. The tradition you keep alive through the duty you are bestowed is so fulfilling. There is no greater feeling than the pride, and honor you feel wearing the uniform as you represent PBCFR at the local, national, and internationanal levels. |
| Name: Robert Eastberg Rank: Captain-retired 2015 Date of Hire: 1981 HG Member Date: March 2015 Why did you join the honor guard? For me, the Honor Guard offered me the opportunity to display my respect for the organization that gave so much to my life. PBCFR for me is a family beyond that of the loved ones I would go home to after my work period. They are the people I choose to allow to share the best and worst times I could experience. The Honor Guard allows me to share my respect for the profession, Department and personnel of this great organization with those we, the Honor Guard, come into contact with. |
| Name: Robert Grosbeck Rank: Captain-Retired 2014 Date of Hire: 1985 HG member Date: 1986 Life Member Why did you join the Honor Guard? A great way to represent the department and the fire service. |
| Name: Brad Havrilla Rank: Staff Captain-Retired 2020 Date of Hire: 1988 HG member Date: 1989 Life Member Retired from PBCFR after 32 years of Service. Staff Captain Havrilla spent 18 years in the Training Division as the Fire training coordinator and Special Operations/ ARFF training coordinator. Brad joined the Honor Guard in 1998, Competed with the team that won 1st place International Honor Guard Competition at FDIC. The team was invited to present the colors at the Fire Service Caucus in Washington DC and invited to the White House. Brad remains on the Honor Guard as a Active Life Member. |
| Name: Jorge Cardoso Rank: Captain Date of Hire: 2002 HG Member Date: August 2017 Why did you join the Honor Guard? A way to give back to the community. |
| Name: Sean Pamplona Rank: Division Chief Date of Hire: 1991 HG Member Date: 2002 Life Member Why did you join the Honor Guard? Someone gave me a video of the U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Team. When I was done watching their performance I knew I had to become a member of the Honor Guard. Preserving the tradition with pride, integrity and class is what it's all about. |
| Name: Eustacio Sanchez Rank: Driver Operator Date of Hire: 2005 HG Member Date: 2009 Why did you join the Honor Guard? |
| Name: Rick Gass Rank: Staff Captain-Retired 2011 Date of Hire: 1984 HG Member Date: 1986 Life Member Why did you join the Honor Guard? I joined the Honor Guard to pay tribute to all fallen firefighters and their families. It is also a way of presenting a positive image of our Department to the residents we serve. |
| Name: Bradlee Doerzbacher Rank: Lieutenant Date of Hire: 2014 HG Member Since: 2016 Why did you join the Honor Guard? There is a deep sense of honor, pride, integrity, and tradition built into the fire service that is reflected in the static displays and demonstrations of the Honor Guard. Being a part of it allows me to pay tribute to those that have paved the way for the modern-day fire department as well as those who I have the opportunity to work alongside now. Not losing sight of where we have come from provides perspective on where we need to continue to progress to. Having the chance to be a member of this team has been one of the most rewarding things that I have been a part of in my career. |
| Name: Michelle Lorenzo Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Date of Hire: 2015 HG Member Date: November 2016 Why did you join the Honor Guard? Being part of the PBCFR Honor Guard is a way for me to give back to the department and community. It is a small act that I can do to represent and honor the men and women who have paved the way and given their lives to the service of others. |
 | Name: Erika Petit Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Date of Hire: HG Member Date: June 2021 Why did you join the Honor Guard? I was in the Air Force JROTC for 4 years at Lake Worth Community High School. There, it aided me in my leadership and citizenship skills. Primary it taught me to have pride and integrity in all that I do. I was elated when I was aware that PBCFR had an Honor Guard. Being a part of the Honor Guard allows me to pay respect and honor the fallen, our brothers and sisters, and giving back to the community. PBCFR Honor Guard projects a positive image of the Department and its members as a well trained professional team at local and national events. PBCFR Honor Guard displays pride, integrity, leadership, professionalism, precision, and perfection; and that I'm proud to be a part of. |
| Name: Brandon Yurick Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Date of Hire: HG Member Date: June 2021 Why did you join the Honor Guard? “As a second generation firefighter I was always taught that what separates the fire service from other professions is the traditions that have been preserved over time as well as the family that is in each individual fire house. Being on the Honor Guard allows me to pass on those traditions as well as pay tribute to my second family rendering honors to those who come before me." |
| Name: Austin Challenger Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Date of Hire: HG Member Date: June 2021 Why did you join the Honor Guard? “I joined the Honor Guard Family because I believe it is one of the most Honorable actions we can do in the fire service. To pay our respects to other firefighters and their families in time of need. I would have never thought the Honor Guard would bless me the way it has in so many ways. It has taught me Honor, Respect, Integrity and many more attributes just from putting on the uniform and showing up for our department, their families, and the residents of Palm Beach County." |
| Name: Maximiliano Maravankin Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Date of Hire: HG Member Date: June 2021 Why did you join the Honor Guard? As an Honor Guard member, I have the opportunity to honor those who came before me while leaving it better for those who will come after me. There is a deep sense of honor, pride, and tradition that comes with putting on our uniform and representing both PBCFR and the fire service as a whole, in both good times and bad. As an immigrant to this country, it is an honor and privilege to be able to be a part of "America's Greatest" and give back to the community and the department that has provided me with so much. |