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Maintains 8 Bascule Bridges over the Intracoastal Waterway and one Swing Bridge at Point
Chosen.  Maintains 291 various types of fixed structures, including interstate and highway overpasses, canal crossings, pedestrian bridges, golf course underpasses, and storm water control structures.  This maintenance includes but is not limited to electrical, mechanical, and structural repairs.
Conducts routine Bridge inspections as required, oversees the maintenance and construction of guardrails on County roads.  Constructs concrete sidewalks, storm drain structures, handicap ramps, and upgrades bridge parapets.  Respond to citizen inquiries related to Bridge issues, staffs the Bascule Bridges with Bridge Tenders 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  After hour services are available through the Emergency Operating Center (E.O.C.).


atlas cover 

Rendering of new bridge scheduled for opening in late 2013


 Contact Us

Thomas Coppini

Bridge Superintendent

John Myers

Asst. Bridge Superintendent