To coordinate and represent the Engineering Department’s concerns with respect to zoning and engineering issues under the ULDC. The duties and responsibilities of the Division in this regard include, but are not limited to; review of certain applications submitted to the Zoning Division and representing the Engineering Department at any meetings pertaining to these petitions; representing the Engineering Department at Development Review Officer meetings and Zoning Commission meetings; and recommending and coordinating Engineering conditions of approval.
Olive T. Bailey, P.E.Professional
To administer the Subdivision, Platting, Plat Waiver, and Lot Combination Regulations as predominantly contained in Article 11 of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). This section also assists the public with requests for waivers of the Base Building Line and Removal Agreements to Drainage Easement and Lake Maintenance Easement encroachments.
The Right-of-Way permitting Section of the Land Development Division obtains its authority to govern the County maintained right-of-ways from Section 125 of the Florida Statutes. This Statute authorizes the Board of County Commissioners to grant a license to any person or private corporation to construct, maintain , operate and repair water mains; sanitary and storm sewers; sanitary force mains, gas pipelines; telecommunication systems; electric power; cable; telephone and other public utilities.The Permitting Section is also responsible for reviewing the applications for residential and commercial driveways, local road improvements required to satisfy current codes; modifications to roadways such as turn lanes; median openings; and landscaping in the right-of-way. Article 11 of the Unified Land Development Code contains the general criteria used to review applications in conjunction with the Land Development Design Standards Manual posted on our web site. This Permitting Section of the Land Development Division receives approximately 1000 applications per year including Drainage Reviews associated with Building Division Permits. There is also a daily contingent of professionals and general public that are seeking guidance, information and/or assistance with a wide array of processes and issues that contact the Division via telephone, email or just walk-in customers.Permit applications are processed through a paperless online computer system (e-permitting) by a professional staff of engineers, technical reviewers and an electronic permit specialist. The Permitting section coordinates the reviews of other Divisions with an interest in the proposed right-of-way improvements. The main Divisions are comprised of Roadway Production; Traffic; and Road and Bridge. Permit compliance is verified by County Construction Coordination Division Inspectors assigned to and working for the Land Development Division.
To conduct special research, monitor Conditions of Approval, administer the Abandonment and the Road Closure Ordinances. To do special projects as necessary and to contain the resources to answer questions related to field conditions. To use G.I.S. to plot right of way permits and various County projects in the County’s GeoNav system. This Section will be responsible for time consuming assignments that would detract from the concentration of efforts and the productivity of the other sections of the Division. This Section also assists the public with requests for waivers of the Base Building Line and removal agreements for drainage easement and lake maintenance easement encroachments.