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On March 14, 2024, Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science (FAU CoECS) welcomed EPW staff for a tour of their facilities and a recap of their programs. EPW staff was welcomed by the FAU CoECS Dean Stella Batalama and then treated to presentations from seven of their distinguished professors. Our local university is doing some very big things and they have a lot to be proud of! Specifically, FAU CoECS is conducting research in the following areas:
- Collection of pedestrian data from Clematis Street in downtown West Palm Beach to help evaluate connectivity issues
- Using in-vehicle sensors to predict difficulty driving that may come with advanced age and pavement condition/performance
- Improving Freight mobility & supply chain resilience regionally
- Studying the impact in driving patterns due to an increase in the percentage of electric vehicles on the road; for instance, self-driving cars may tend to brake later and harder than human-driven cars which could have a long-term effect in the pavement condition from additional friction.
- Use of LIDAR to track scour on underwater bridge elements for advance warning of possible failures
- Tracking the effect of saltwater spray on bridge elements above the water level
- Installation of data collection devices to monitor real-time benefits of stormwater improvement projects
- Conducting a mobility study in West Palm Beach using sensors that create “intelligent crosswalks" and allow signal timing to be adjusted; for instance, a sensor that is able to recognize a disabled person trying to cross the road and adjust the signal timing for that person at that time.
Once the professors completed their presentations, EPW staff was walked about the campus to view their various engineering labs. These labs are not only open to all students; they're actually run by students. We even saw high school students in the 3-D printing lab making gadgets and tiny machines. When the day concluded, EPW staff was truly impressed by all the work being done by FAU and we look forward to additional networking opportunities in the future!