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USDOT Announces a $4.4 Million Grant Awarded for Flashing Yellow Arrow Traffic Signal Improvements

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USDOT Announces a $4.4 Million Grant Awarded for  Flashing Yellow Arrow Traffic Signal Improvements


Flashing Yellow Arrow graphic

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​​​The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced on November 15, 2024, that the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners will be awarded $4,437,198 in Federal funding as part of its Safe Streets and Roads for All program to design and constru​ct Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) for left turns and right turns at 28 signalized intersections countywide. The project also incl​udes a study to help determine the criteria for future FYA implementations.

The Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works, Traffic Division (Traffic Division) first implemented FYA for ​​left turns in late 2019. After an evaluation period, the FYA for left turns was adopted into countywide standards for new traffic signal construction. Since then, FYA for left turns has been implemented at 37 intersections throughout Palm Beach County.

FYA improves mobility and reduces left turn crashes, right turn crashes and pedestrian crashes. This grant supports the Traffic Division's countywide implementation of FYA for left turns and will serve as a pilot project for FYA for right turns.

Flashing Yellow Arrow is a newer traffic signal that has the same meaning as a circular green. While the arrow is flashing yellow, turning traffic may turn provided there is a safe gap in vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic. 
