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Municipal Projects Update as of June 26, 2024

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Municipal Projects Update as of June 26, 2024


​Latest update for Municipal Projects Upd​ate as of 6/26/24:​​

Municipal Contractors created a challenge for the surety to perform the work by not paying the subcontractors in a timely manner and the surety is still working to correct this situation.  Initially, the County's finance department could not release payment to the surety without a signature from the contractor that was removed from the project.  Since that signature was not possible to obtain, the County Attorney's Office offered an indemnity option instead.  It took several weeks for the surety to return the executed indemnity letter which Palm Beach County received on June 26, 2024 and forwarded to the County Attorney's office for review. 

The surety is also accepting bids from other subcontractors to complete the remaining work. It will likely take a month to review bids before selecting a contractor, who can then provide a completion schedule. County staff expects these open jobs to take about 3 months once work resumes. We are unable to estimate a completion date until work resumes.

In the meantime, we have inspectors visiting the construction site daily to e​nsure that safety equipment is maintained appropriately. 
