During the concrete placement phase for the eastbound 6th Ave bridge deck, Palm Beach County (PBC) hired a material testing sub-consultant engineer to conduct tests and sampling for concrete quality assurance. Unfortunately, one of the concrete samples did not meet the minimum required specifications. To validate this result, additional samples were taken from the deck and analyzed. Regrettably, the additional testing confirmed deficiencies in the concrete, necessitating its removal.
On April 25, 2024, PBC personnel met with the contractor and engineer of record to determine the extent of removal required. Additional concrete testing was done to ensure all deficient concrete would be removed. It was determined that an area measuring approximately 45 feet by 34 feet would need to be removed to address these deficiencies. Removal operations began on the afternoon of May 13, 2024, and are estimated to continue for about four weeks. Following removal, an additional week will be necessary to replace the concrete. This reconstruction will push the expected road opening to August 2024.