May 15, 2018 @ 9:30am








MAY 15, 2018


PAGE             ITEM


  7                    2D-Dist 7       ADD-ON:  Request for off-site Proclamation declaring May 19, 2018 as Mental Health Awareness Day in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Bernard)


33                    3AA-1             DELETED FOR FURTHER STAFF REVIEW: RENUMBERED TO 5C1: Staff recommends motion to:  A) approve Renewal Number 002 to Standard Agreement No. IA016-9635 with the Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast (CFDA 93.044) in the amount of $644,000, to fund transportation services for the Division of Senior Services.  This is a unit cost grant agreement, with a start date of January 1, 2017 and an end date of December 31, 2018; … (Palm Tran)


35                    4B-1                REVISED MOTION AND SUMMARY: Staff recommends motion to approve: Revised Alignment 1A for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane.  Alternative Alignment 1A for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane (Project), contingent on Hilltop Residential Limited (HRL), or its successors or assigns, conveying to Palm Beach County (County) all right-of-way necessary for the project, free and clear of all encumbrances, within eight months of this Board of County Commissioners’ (BCC) meeting date. SUMMARY:  Approval of Revised Alternative Alignment 1A will meet the needs of both Palm Beach the County (County) and Hilltop Residential Limited (HRL).  Conceptual Alignment 1A was previously approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on February 28, 2006, and is situated on property owned by HRL.  Alternative Alignment 1A. The alignment is required to establish right-of-way for the construction of a three (3) lane roadway for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane.  HRL proposes to develop this property and is aware that the development will need to must dedicate the necessary right-of-way to the County free and clear of all encumbrances.  County staff and HRL’s representatives have coordinated Revised Alternative Alignment 1A to be mutually beneficial.  No other privately owned properties will be impacted by this revised alternative alignment, but some impacts are expected on property owned by the City of Palm Beach Gardens (City).  The revised alternative alignment has been coordinated with the City.  Use of Alternative Alignment 1A for the extension of Congress Avenue, in lieu of Conceptual Alignment 1A, is contingent upon HRL, or its successors or assigns, dedicating the necessary right-of-way to the County clear of all encumbrances within eight months of approval of this alternative alignment.  In the event HRL fails to meet this contingency, then the County will proceed with the original Conceptual Alignment 1A.  The Five-Year Road Program includes $5.76 million for design, mitigation and right-of-way acquisition for the extension of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to State Road 811/Alternate A1A in Fiscal Year 2018, and funding of $4 million and $2 million respectively for construction in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021.  District 1 (LBH) (Eng)


36                 4D-1               REVISED SUMMARY: ...The grant also requires execution of the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Form LLL. The grant funded positions will be eliminated when funding is discontinued. No County funds are required.  Countywide (DR) (Palm Tran)


NOTE:  Items that were revised, added, deleted, or backup submitted and were not listed on the preliminary addition/deletion sheet distributed to the Board the prior day are noted with an asterisk (*).








MAY 15, 2018



TUESDAY                                                                                                                COMMISSION

9:30 A.M.                                                                                                                   CHAMBERS



 1.        CALL TO ORDER


A.        Roll Call

B.        Invocation

C.        Pledge of Allegiance




A.        Additions, Deletions, Substitutions

B.        Adoption

            C.        Staff Comments (Page 6)

            D.        Commissioner Comments (Page 7)


 3.        CONSENT AGENDA (Pages 8-34)


 4.        PUBLIC HEARINGS - 9:30 A.M. (Pages 35-36)


 5.        REGULAR AGENDA (Pages 37-38)




 7.        BOARD APPOINTMENTS (Page 40)


 8.        ADJOURNMENT (Page 41)






* * * * * * * * * * *

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Page 8

            3A-1    Appointment to the Fair Housing/Equal Employment Board



Page 8

            3B-1    Warrant list

            3B-2    Minutes

            3B-3    Contracts and claims settlements list



Page 8

            3C-1   Resolutions declaring the acquisition of 17 parcels through eminent domain

Page 9

            3C-2   Resolution supporting acquisition of right-of-way for construction planned for Linton Boulevard from west of Congress Avenue to SW 10th Avenue

            3C-3   Contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc. for construction of County Road 880 Twenty Mile Bend Slope Protection

            3C-4   Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for construction of the Glades Road and Butts Road intersection improvements

            3C-5   Interlocal agreement with the City of Boynton Beach allowing use of the Municipal Service Taxing Unit program for expansion of water and sewer service in West Boynton

Page 10

            3C-6   Renewals of Appraiser Agreements with nine companies



Page 10

            3D-1   Settlement agreement with Cynthia Morgan and Thomas Morgan



Page 11

3E-1    Seat changes and appointment to the Palm Beach County HIV Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Council

Page 12

3E-2    Amendment to contract with Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. for provision of legal services and improved health outcomes for persons living with HIV Spectrum Disease

3E-3    Amendment to contract with Palm Beach Habilitation Center, Inc. for provision of computer training and programming services for adults with developmental disabilities

Page 13

3E-4    Ratify the Mayor’s signature on Department of Housing and Urban Development FY 2017 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Grant Application

Page 14

3E-5    Contract for Consulting/Professional Services with four agencies to provide training services to low-income participants

Page 15

3E-6    Ratify the Mayor’s signature on modification to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Community Services Block Grant







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Page 16

3F-1    Amendment to Declaration of Easement for water utility improvements adjacent to Kirk Road south of the L-5 Canal

3F-2    Receive and file Palm Beach International Airport Operating Permit with Miami Air International, Inc.

3F-3    Change order with The Morganti Group, Inc. for Air Handler Replacement at PBIA

            3F-4    Reappointment to the Citizens Committee on Airport Noise



Page 17

3H-1   Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with the Health Department for provision of adult and pediatric primary care at the Homeless Resource Center

3H-2   Consultant Services Authorization with Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc. for Water Utilities Department Water Treatment Plans Hypochlorite Sun Shade Structures

3H-3   Amendment to contract with Trillium Construction Inc. for Water Utilities Department Water Treatment Plant Process Piping Replacement/Remediation

Page 18

3H-4   Change Order to contract with Hedrick Brothers Construction Company, Inc. for Airport Center Building 2 Renovations

3H-5   Annual Contract with One Call Florida, Inc. for demolition

            3H-6   Annual Contract with One Call Florida, Inc. for painting and weatherproofing

Page 19

            3H-7   Annual Contracts with eight contracts for low voltage construction services

3H-8   Work order for Wynn and Sons Environmental Construction Company for replacement of basketball courts at Lake Lytal Park

Page 20

3H-9   Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with the City of Riviera extending the term of the agreement for access to the County’s Public Radio System for four years

3H-10 Interlocal Agreement with the City of Riviera Beach for radio maintenance services

3H-11 Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with the City of West Palm Beach extending the term of the agreement for interoperable radio communications



Page 21

            3I-1     Amendment to Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Action Plan for ADA improvements in various parks

            3I-2     Certification by State of Local Official of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan or State Consolidated Plan



Page 22

            3J-1    Appointment to the Construction Industry Licensing Board



Page 22

3K-1    Interlocal Agreement with the North Springs Improvement District for purchase and sale of bulk potable water

Page 23

3K-2    Amendment to the contract with Johnson-Davis Incorporation extending the contract for an additional year for the Pipeline Continuing Construction

3K-3    Amendment to the contract with Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc. extending the contract for an additional year for Pipe Wet Tapping & Line Stops

3K-4    Amendment to the contract with Dennis J. Leavy & Associates, Inc. extending the contract for an additional year for Professional Consulting/Professional Services Surveying and Mapping

Page 24

3K-5    Reimbursement Agreement with Boca Raton Associates VII, LLP to extend the reclaimed water main along Hyder South AGR PUD

3K-6    Interlocal Agreement with the Village of Royal Palm Beach for the Co-location of Telemetry Facilities

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Page 25

3L-1    Receive and file amendment to contract with the University of Florida extending the contract for Consulting/Professional Services



Page 25

            3M-1   Ratify Mayor’s signature on Florida Boating Improvement Program grant application

Page 26

            3M-2   Ratify Mayor’s signature on Waterways Assistance Program grant application

            3M-3   Amendment to the Infrastructure Surtax Project Plan for the Buttonwood Park Athletic Field Renovation Project

Page 27

            3M-4   Receive and file Sound and Light Production Services Contract Agreement

            3M-5   Receive and file Independent Contract Agreement



Page 27

            3S-1    Receive and file standard agreements for Swimming Lessons for FY 2018



Page 28

3U-1   Amendment to Agreement with the South Florida Water Management District extending the delivery date for the base LIDAR map data

3U-2   Amendment to Pricing Schedule for AT&T Switched Ethernet Service



Page 28

            3X-1    Budget documents funding the construction of various huts at Animal Care and Control

Page 29

            3X-2    Appointment and reappointment to the Consumer Affairs Hearing Board


            3X-3    Receive and file six Grant Adjustment Notices

Page 31

3X-4    Receive and file Interlocal Agreements with seven municipalities for reimbursement of Emergency Medical Services funding for medical equipment


3X-5    Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle documents required for driver history record checks for the Tow Truck Ordinances


            AA. PALM TRAN

Page 33

            3AA-1 Renewal to agreement with Area Agency on Aging for transportation services to the Division of Senior Services


            BB. YOUTH SERVICES

Page 34

3BB-1 Contract with Youth Speak Out International Inc. for the Today’s Technology and Communication Program








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Page 35

            4A-1    Ordinance amending the Palm Beach County Internal Audit Committee Charter Ordinance



Page 35

4B-1    Revised alignment for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane



Page 35

            4C-1   Ordinance allowing for opioid cost recovery


            D. PALM TRAN

Page 36

            4D-1   Filing of grant application with the Federal Transit Administration






Page 37

            5A-1    Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Representative Joseph Abruzzo

            5A-2    Presentation of the 2018 Legislative Session final report



Page 38

            5B-1    Workforce Housing Program Financial Assistance Strategy



Page 39

            6A-1    Appointment to the Child Care Advisory Council







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1.         Request for off-site presentation of Proclamation declaring May 19-25, 2018 as National Safe Boating Week in Palm Beach County





































            1.         Request for off-site presentation of Citizenship Award to Royal Palm Elementary Students







1.         ADD-ON:  Request for off-site Proclamation declaring May 19, 2018 as Mental Health Awareness Day in Palm Beach County



MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: appointment of one new member to the Fair Housing/Equal Employment Board (FH/EE) Board.


Appoint                     Seat No.            Requirement                       Nominated By                             Term                                                      

Jefferson Grant        9                PBC Resident               Mayor McKinlay              5/15/18-9/30/19                                                             Business Mgmt.             Vice Mayor Bernard

                                                                                    Expertise                      Comm. Valeche

                                                                                                                        Comm. Abrams

                                                                                                                        Comm. Burdick


SUMMARY: The FH/EE board is comprised of nine members, consisting of seven district appointments and two at large members. Following the resignation of at-large appointee RoxAnne Harris, nominations were requested in a memo to the Board of County Commissioners.  Staff recommends approval of the appointment of Jefferson Grant for the remainder of the vacant term ending September 30, 2019. The FH/EE board serves as a quasi-judicial body empowered to hear and decide upon the merits of employment and housing discrimination complaints investigated by the Office of Equal Opportunity. Eight of the board’s nine seats are currently filled with a diversity of Caucasian: 6 (75%), African American: 2 (25%) and Hispanic: 0 (0%). The gender ratio (female: male) is: 1:7. This nominee is an African American male. Countywide (DO)





1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  Warrant List – Backup information can be viewed in the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  the following final minutes of the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings: NONE


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Contracts (regular) and claim settlements list as submitted by various departments to the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.  Countywide





1.         Staff recommends motion to adopt: seventeen resolutions to declare the acquisition of properties designated as parcels 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120A, 120B, 121, 122A, 122B, 122C, 132 and 133 as fee simple road right-of-way and parcels 305, 306, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 319, 320B, 321, 322A, 322B, 322C, 332 and 333 as temporary construction easements as necessary for the construction of roadway improvements on Silver Beach Road from east of Congress Avenue to east of Old Dixie Highway/President Barack Obama Highway.  SUMMARY: Adoption of these resolutions will initiate eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Chapters 73, 74, 127, and Section 337.27, Florida Statutes as amended, against thirty-five parcels having a total appraised value of $103,565. The parcels are necessary for the construction of a three lane roadway with new drainage, sidewalks, bike lanes and traffic signals on Silver Beach Road from east of Congress Avenue to east of Old Dixie Highway/President Barack Obama Highway. To date, the property owners have not accepted the offers to purchase made by Palm Beach County and attempts to negotiate the purchases have been unsuccessful. Eminent domain proceedings are necessary to acquire the parcels at this time in order to expedite construction of the project, which is funded in the current Five Year Road Program. District 7 (MAB)





MAY 15, 2018







2.         Staff recommends motion to adopt: resolution supporting the right-of-way acquisition and construction planned for Linton Boulevard from west of Congress Avenue to SW 10th Avenue (Project) by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). SUMMARY: Adoption of this resolution will support the right-of-way acquisition and construction planned by FDOT for the project.  Linton Boulevard, a Palm Beach County roadway, will be improved as part of FDOT’s planned improvements to the interchange of I-95 and Linton Boulevard.  These improvements include adding a fourth eastbound through lane at Congress Avenue that will terminate as a left turn to northbound I-95; adding a second eastbound left turn lane to Wallace Drive; and adding a fourth westbound through lane at Wallace Drive that will terminate as a right turn to northbound I-95. FDOT’s policy requires all local agencies that have jurisdiction or facilities impacted by planned FDOT improvements to adopt a resolution supporting the planned improvements.  Districts 4 & 7 (LBH)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve: contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc. (DFI) in the amount of $653,768.96 for the construction of County Road 880 Twenty Mile Bend Slope Protection (Project). SUMMARY: Approval of this contract will allow Palm Beach County to issue a notice to proceed to DFI to begin construction of the project. The proposed work consists of canal slope stabilization, guardrail, and asphalt.  DFI is a St. Lucie County based company. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) goal for all projects is 15%. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder, DFI committed to 15% SBE participation. This project is funded through the infrastructure sales tax.  District 6 (LBH)


4.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  construction agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for construction of the Glades Road and Butts Road intersection improvements. SUMMARY: This agreement is being submitted to the Clerk & Comptroller of Palm Beach County in accordance with Countywide PPM CW-O-051. The agreement was approved by the Deputy County Engineer as a delegated authority in accordance with Palm Beach County Resolution (R2013-1117). The County intends to construct a second southbound right turn lane on Butts Road at Glades Road. District 4 (LBH)


5.         Staff recommends motion to approve: interlocal agreement with the City of Boynton Beach (City) to allow the City to use Palm Beach County’s Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) program to assess benefitting property owners for the expansion of water and sewer service to the West Boynton Plat No 2 B & C area (Project).  SUMMARY:  Approval of the agreement will allow the City to use the County’s MSTU program (County Code, Chapter 26 – Special Districts, Article II, Municipal Service Taxing Unit), to establish an assessment on the benefitting property owners for the cost of the project. The City requested the County facilitate an assessment process to expand their water and sewer service to the project area within unincorporated Palm Beach County.  Benefitting properties would be assessed over a period of 20 years. The City will prepare the scope of services, specifications and design and will oversee the construction and all aspects of the project at the City’s cost. The City will also reimburse the County a maximum of $7,500 for administration of the MSTU program.  District 4 (LBH)











MAY 15, 2018







6.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  nine renewals of the Appraiser Agreements (Agreements) to provide right-of-way acquisition appraisal services with the firms: Anderson & Carr, Inc.; Appraisal and Acquisition Consultants, Inc.; Callaway and Price, Inc.; Jenkins Appraisal Services, Inc.; M.R. Ford & Associates, Inc.; Parrish and Edwards, Inc.; Real Estate Analysts, LLC; S.F. Holden, Inc.; and The Spivey Group, Inc. (Firms).  SUMMARY:  Approval of these agreements will allow the firms to remain on Palm Beach County’s pre-qualified appraiser list through May 18, 2019.  All the firms have at least one principal of the firm certified as a State certified general appraiser; meet a minimum of eight years appraisal experience; have the required expert witness experience; and have not been removed from the County list in the past three years. Anderson & Carr, Inc., Callaway and Price, Inc., Jenkins Appraisal Services, Inc., M.R. Ford & Associates, Inc., Parrish and Edwards, Inc., and S.F. Holden, Inc., are all Small Business Enterprise certified.  All the firms have offices in the County. The County advertised for these services in March 2015 and subsequently approved the firms on May 19, 2015.  The approval of the agreements will extend the respective expiration dates from May 18, 2018 to May 18, 2019.  This is the first of two allowable renewals under these agreements. After the second renewal, the agreements will need to be re-solicited.  The firms have indicated a preference to remain on the County’s pre-qualified list through May 18, 2019. Countywide (LBH)





1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: settlement agreement, inclusive of attorney’s fees and costs, in the total amount of $130,000 in the personal injury case of Cynthia Morgan and Thomas Morgan, her husband, vs. Palm Beach County, Florida, Case No. 502017CA006239XXXXMBAH. SUMMARY: On February 26, 2016, Cynthia Morgan was struck by a Palm Tran bus as she attempted to enter her parked vehicle.  Mrs. Morgan was transported by ambulance to an Emergency Room, admitted and released after approximately one week.  Mrs. Morgan underwent multiple hip surgeries and a total shoulder replacement.  Mrs. Morgan suffered an impairment to her left shoulder.  Mrs. Morgan incurred $346,957.25 in medical bills.  Plaintiff’s husband, Thomas Morgan, also claimed a loss of consortium. Countywide (DBS)

























MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: proposed seat change for two current members and one new appointment to the Palm Beach County HIV Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Council for a term of three years, effective May 15, 2018:



Seat No.


Seat No.


Seat Requirement


Term Expires



Thomas McKissack

  Non-Elected Community










Olga Sierra

Community-Based Organization serving affected populations/AIDS Service Organization







Seat No.



Seat Requirement

Term Expires



Sinteria Cooper

Substance Abuse and/or Mental Health Provider



SUMMARY: The total membership shall be no more than 27 at-large members, per Resolution No. 2011-1560. The HIV CARE Council (Council) nominations process is an open process with publicized criteria and legislatively defined conflict of interest standards. Due to an effort to most accurately reflect mandatory requirements, which was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 10, 2018, a seat change is being recommended for Mr. McKissack and Ms. Sierra. Mr. McKissack is currently in Seat No. 6 – Substance Abuse and/or Mental Health Provider, but will be moved to Seat No. 18 – Non-Elected Community Leader. Ms. Sierra is currently in Seat No. 18 – Non-Elected Community Leader, but will be moved to Seat No. 3 – Community-Based Organization serving affected populations/AIDS Service Organizations. Ms. Cooper has successfully completed the HIV CARE Council’s nomination process and the HIV CARE Council recommends her appointment. Ms. Cooper has disclosed that she is employed by The Jerome Golden Center for Behavioral Health, Inc., which contracts with the County for services. The HIV CARE Council provides no regulation, oversight, management, or policy setting recommendations regarding contracts. Disclosure of this contractual relationship is being provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-443, of the Palm Beach Code of Ethics. The Council has 27 seats; 17 seats are currently filled with a diversity count of Caucasian: 8 (47%), African-American: 6 (35%), and Hispanic: 3 (18%). The gender ratio (female:male) is 9:8. The nominee is an African-American female. The Ryan White Program Manager and staff conduct targeted outreach in an effort to proffer candidates for appointments that maintain a diverse composition of the Board. (Ryan White Program) Countywide (HH)

















MAY 15, 2018







2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:


A) Amendment No. 1 to the Contract for Provision of Ryan White Part A HIV Health Support Services with Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. (R2017-0249), for the period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018, increasing Grant Year (GY) 2017 funding by $15,000, for a new not-to-exceed contract amount of $329,245, for the provision of legal services for persons living with HIV Spectrum Disease; and


B) Amendment No. 2 to the Contract for Provision of Ryan White Part A HIV Health Support Services with Treasure Coast Health Council, Inc. d/b/a Health Council of Southeast Florida (R2017-0250), for the period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018, increasing  GY 2017 funding by $83,000, for a new not-to-exceed contract amount of $552,353, for the provision of improving health outcomes for persons living with HIV Spectrum Disease.


SUMMARY: The purpose of these amendments is to increase the GY 2017 contract amounts by a combined total of $98,000. These funds will allow our system of care to provide additional Specialty Outpatient Medical Care, Care Council Support and Legal Aid Services to Palm Beach County residents living with HIV/AIDS and meet shifting Ryan White Program service needs. Kimberly Rommel-Enright and Vicki Krusel, employees of Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. are members of the HIV CARE Council; Marcia Hayden, employee of Treasure Coast Health Council, Inc. d/b/a Health Council of Southeast Florida is a member of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission provides no regulation, oversight, management, or policy-setting recommendations regarding the agency amendments listed above. Disclosure of these contractual relationships at a duly noted public meeting is being provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-443, of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics. These items were executed by the County Administrator in accordance with Resolution No. R2013-0519, in order to maximize expenditures of existing GY 2017 funds, which delegates signatory authority to the County Administrator or designee. These receive and file items are being submitted in accordance with Countywide PPM No. CW-O-051 to allow the Clerk and Comptroller’s office to receive and file the executed amendments. No County funds are required. (Ryan White Program) Countywide (HH)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Amendment No. 1 to Contract for Provision of Financial Assistance with Palm Beach Habilitation Center, Inc. (R2017-1616), for the period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2020, to amend the units of service rates and definition, for the provision of computer training and programming services for adults with developmental disabilities. SUMMARY: Amendment No. 1 is necessary in order to amend the units of service rates and definition for the Computer Training Program and the Seniors in Transition and Retirement Services. This change will allow the agency to continue serving Palm Beach County citizens by increasing the program allocation for the Seniors in Transition and Retirement Services program, which currently has a greater demand for services. The original total contract amount will remain the same. No additional County funds are required. (Financially Assisted Agencies) Countywide (HH)











MAY 15, 2018







            4.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) ratify the signature of the Mayor on the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) FY 2017 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Grant Application in the amount of $247,962, for preventing and ending youth homelessness, for a grant period of two years upon receipt of funding;


B) delegate signature authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to sign the HUD FY 2017 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Grant Agreement, any grant amendments, or other required forms for preventing and ending youth homelessness; and


C) approve two full-time equivalent grant funded positions for a Program Coordinator (Pay Grade 30) and Information Management System Specialist (Pay Grade 30) for the Division of Human and Veteran Services, to be established upon receipt of grant award.


SUMMARY: Palm Beach County is eligible for federal funding to be used in developing and executing a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness over a two-year period. The Division of Human and Veteran Services (DHVS), serving as the Lead Agency must apply for the funds. The grant application has two phases for submission and award. For Phase I, DHVS is requesting $247,962 in federal funding to support the development of a Community Youth Plan and two grant funded positons. These positions are contingent upon receipt of the actual grant award and will be eliminated if grant is discontinued. DHVS is supporting the match requirement with in-kind services totaling $265,425, which is available in both the current budget and the proposed 2019 budget, and is represented by existing Continuum of Care services already being provided. Phase II funding is contingent upon the approval of Phase I. If Palm Beach County is awarded Phase I funding, an application for Phase II funding will be submitted to HUD to request the fully designated funding allocation as determined by HUD. The start date of Phase I funding will be contingent upon receipt of funding by HUD. The emergency signature process was utilized because there was not sufficient time to submit the application through the regular Board of County Commissioner’s agenda process. (Division of Human and Veteran Services) Countywide (HH)






















MAY 15, 2018







5.         Staff recommends motion to approve:


A) Contracts for Consulting/Professional Services with the below listed agencies, for the period April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019, in an amount totaling $258,240, to provide a variety of training services to low-income participants:


1. Nurse Assistant Training School, Inc. d/b/a Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations, for home health aide and nurse assistant training services, in an amount not to exceed $58,240;


2. Community Caring Center of Greater Boynton Beach, Inc., d/b/a The Secret Garden Café, A Culinary Incubator, to provide entrepreneurship training services, in an amount not to exceed $75,000; 


3. Credit Card Management Services, Inc., for financial literacy training services, in an amount not to exceed $50,000; and


4. Christians Reaching Out To Society, Inc., for gleaning services, in an amount not to exceed $75,000.


B) Contract for Provision of Financial Assistance with Gulfstream Goodwill Industries, Inc., for the period April 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, for a variety of vocational training services.


SUMMARY: The above agencies are qualified to provide various training services for the Community Action Program. The funds are provided by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Qualified clients must be residents of Palm Beach County and meet the Federal Poverty Guidelines. A portion of CSBG funds will be used to provide training for eligible participants. Gulfstream Goodwill Industries, Inc. will provide training and employment services to eligible participants.  Gulfstream Goodwill will assess each participant to develop an employment and training Personal Development Plan.  Job readiness, skills training programs and support services will be available to all participants.  Joshua Butler, an employee of Gulfstream Goodwill Industries, Inc. is a member of the Homeless Advisory Board (HAB). The HAB provides no regulation, oversight, management, or policy-setting recommendations regarding the agency listed above. Disclosure of this contractual relationship at a duly noticed public meeting is being provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-443, of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics. No County funds are required. (Community Action Program) Countywide (HH)



















MAY 15, 2018







6.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) ratify:


1. the signature of the Mayor on Modification No. 1 to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement No. 17SB-0D-10-60-01-121 (R2017-0625), extending the period October 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018 to October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2020 and, increasing the original grant agreement amount by $1,411,923 for a total grant award amount not to exceed $3,037,891, to provide self-sufficiency services to low-income individuals and families residing in Palm Beach County; and


2. the signature of the Mayor on Modification No. 2 to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity FFY 2017 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement No. 17EA-0F-10-60-01-023 (R2017-0996), for the period of April 1, 2017 through September 30, 2020, increasing the original grant agreement amount by $63,825 for a new total amount not to exceed $3,413,790, to provide energy payment assistance to over 7,000 low-income clients residing in Palm Beach County.


B) receive and file: Modification No. 1 to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity FFY 2017 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement No. 17EA-0F-10-60-01-023 (R2017-0996) with the  Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, for the period April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018, to increase funding by $381,327 for a new total amount not to exceed $3,349,965, to provide energy payment assistance to low-income residents of Palm Beach County; and


C) approve:


1. budget amendment of $1,411,923 in the Community Services Block Grant fund to align the budget to the actual grant award; and


2. budget amendment of $63,825 in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program fund to align the budget to the actual grant award.


SUMMARY:  These modifications will allow the Department of Economic Opportunity to align all subgrant agreements with the federal fiscal year. The funding allocations are based on federal appropriations through September 30, 2019, and a new Notice of Funding Availability (NFA) will be awarded for FFY 2020, which will result in additional subgrant agreement modifications. Modification No.1 to the FFY 2017 CSBG Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement No. 17SB-0D-10-60-01-121 funds are used to assist clients in moving towards economic stability by providing employment skills training and job placement services, resume writing, financial management training, rental assistance, utility assistance and case management services to low-income residents of Palm Beach County. Modifications No. 1 and No 2 to the FFY LIHEAP 2017 Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement No. 17EA-0F-10-60-01-023 will enable the Community Action Program (CAP) to provide assistance to approximately 7,000 low-income households with energy bills and crisis assistance to prevent service disconnection and to restore utility services. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity sent instructions to return the modifications as soon as possible. The emergency signature process was utilized because there was not sufficient time to submit the grant modifications through the regular Board of County Commissioner’s agenda process. LIHEAP Modification No. 1 is being submitted in accordance with Countywide PPM No. CW-O-051 to allow the Clerk and Comptroller’s Office to receive and file this item. No County funds are required. (Community Action Program) Countywide (HH)

MAY 15, 2018





F.         AIRPORTS


1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: First Amendment (Amendment) to Declaration of Easement (Declaration), replacing the legal description in the Declaration (R2017-0155) for water utility improvements on County-owned property adjacent to Kirk Road south of the L-5 Canal, under lease to Trump International Golf Club, L.C. (Golf Club). SUMMARY: The Water Utilities Department is requesting the Amendment to modify the location of a triangular parcel containing 450 square feet (0.0103 acres) on County-owned property leased to the Golf Club for the installation, operation and maintenance of water and sanitary sewer utilities. The size and shape of the parcel described in the Declaration is unchanged. Countywide (HJF)


2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: Palm Beach International Airport Operating Permit with Miami Air International, Inc., commencing March 30, 2018 and terminating April 1, 2018. SUMMARY: Delegation of authority for execution of the standard County Palm Beach International Airport Operating Permit was approved by the BCC in R2014-1709. Countywide (AH)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  


A) Change Order No. 6 to Amendment No. 8 (Task M-18) to the Construction Manager (CM) at Risk Contract with The Morganti Group, Inc. for Air Handler Replacement at Palm Beach International Airport (PBIA) in the amount of $238,769 and 36 Calendar Days; and


B) budget transfer of $238,769 in the Airport’s Improvement and Development Fund to provide budget for The Morganti Group, Inc. Change Order No. 6; including a transfer from Reserves of $238,769.


SUMMARY:  The Contract with The Morganti Group, Inc. for CM at Risk Services for Terminal Improvements at PBIA was approved by the Board on June 4, 2013 (R2013-0663).  The Contract is for two years with three one year renewal options and is a task order based contract for CM at Risk Services at PBIA.  The Morganti Group, Inc. is a Danbury, Connecticut, based firm; however, the work will be directly managed by their southeast regional office in Palm Beach County.  Amendment No. 8 (Task M-18) in the amount of $8,250,000 and 680 Calendar Days was approved by the Board on December 15, 2015 (R2015-1765).  Approval of Change Orders No. 1-5 in the amount of $946,181.37 and 131 Calendar Days were approved in accordance with the authority designated in PPM CW-F-050.  Approval of Change Order No. 6 in the amount of $238,769 and 36 Calendar Days will provide additional compensation to the contractor to complete the Air Handler Replacement at PBIA. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal for this contract is 13%. The total to date participation for this contract is 16%.  Countywide (AH)


4.         Staff recommends motion to approve: reappointment of the following individuals to the Citizens Committee on Airport Noise for a term of three years.


            SEAT No.                  NAME                         ACTION                     NOMINATED BY

                 8                            Remar Harvin           Reappointment        PBC League of Cities

               11                            Nancy S. Pullum      Reappointment        Good Neighbor Council


SUMMARY:  Per Resolution No. R2013-1304, the Citizens Committee on Airport Noise consists of 11 seats of which four (seat No. 8 through seat No. 11) are recommended for appointment by the organizations approved by the BCC. The Palm Beach County League of Cities submitted its recommendation, Remar Harvin, for representation on the Board by letter. The Good Neighbor Council submitted its recommendation, Nancy S. Pullum, for representation on the Board by letter. The diversity of the seven appointed members is as follows: one African-American; five Caucasian; one Hispanic-American. The gender ratio (female:male) is 2:5. Countywide (AH)

MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement R2012-0882 as amended by Assignment Agreement R2015-0554 between the Health Care District of Palm Beach County (HCD) and Palm Beach County for the continued provision of adult and pediatric primary care medical services at the Homeless Resource Center n/k/a the Senator Philip D. Lewis Center (Lewis Center) located at 1000 45th Street in the City of West Palm Beach.  SUMMARY:  On January 12, 2010, the County entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of West Palm Beach (R2010-0137) for the County’s purchase of City of West Palm Beach owned property on which the Lewis Center would be operated. The purchase agreement contained conditions which required that: (i) the Lewis Center include a health clinic providing access to services on a 24-hour basis, 365 days per year; and (ii) partnerships be entered into with public medical service providers to deliver primary care and basic medical services to the Lewis Center clients after the normal business hours of the public health centers. The Lewis Center includes a 2,773 square foot health clinic (Clinic) for Lewis Center clients only and it is not available to the general homeless population at large. After the Assignment Agreement, the HCD has provided the primary medical care and basic medical services for the Lewis Center clients pursuant to Interlocal Agreement (R2012-0882), as Amended by R2015-0554, which expires on May 10, 2018.  This First Amendment extends the term of the Agreement, updates the notice section and adds standard County nondiscrimination and third party beneficiary provisions.  All other terms and conditions of the Interlocal Agreement remain the same. (FDO Admin) Countywide (LDC)


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) No. 2 with Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc. (R2017-0026) to provide engineering services for the Water Utilities Department Water Treatment Plants (WUD WTPs) No. 2, 3, 8, 9 & 11 Sodium Hypochlorite Sun Shade Structures (project) in the amount of $105,425.90. SUMMARY: The project consists of design, permitting and construction administration services for the construction of pre-engineered shade structures over existing hypochlorite tanks at five water treatment facilities.  Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc. has a continuing services contract for structural engineering services which provides for a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal of 100%. Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc.’s SBE participation on this CSA is 67%. When added to the consultant’s participation to date, the SBE participation is 73%. Alan Gerwig & Associates, Inc. is a Palm Beach County business and will be using all Palm Beach County sub-consultants.  Funding for this work is from the Water Utilities Department Capital Improvement Fund. (Capital Improvements Division) Countywide (LDC)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Amendment No. 3 to the contract with Trillium Construction Inc. (R2016-0764) in the amount of $650,000 for the Water Utilities Department Water Treatment Plant (WTP) No. 11 Process Piping Replacement/Remediation project, in Belle Glade, establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). SUMMARY:  Amendment No. 3 authorizes replacement of the WTP No. 11 existing exterior deteriorated process piping and remediation of interior below concrete floor piping.  The exterior piping will be replaced with a larger corrosion resistant piping.  The interior below floor process piping will be lined with “Permaliner” to prolong its lifespan.  Amendment No. 3 establishes a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $650,000 and 90 days for completion.  The GMP includes the cost of the work, the construction manager’s fee and contractor contingency.  Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15%.  Trillium Construction Inc.’s SBE participation for this Amendment is 81.6%.  Funding for this work is from the Water Utilities Department Capital Improvement Fund. Trillium Construction Inc. is a Palm Beach County business and is using local subcontractors for 100% of the work. (Capital Improvements Division) District 6 (LDC)




MAY 15, 2018







4.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Change Order No. 18 to the contract with Hedrick Brothers Construction Company, Inc. (R2014-0922) decreasing the Guarantee Maximum Price (GMP) for the Airport Center Building 2 Renovations project in the amount of $200,838.50.  SUMMARY:  On November 14, 2015, the Board approved Amendment No. 1 to the contract with Hedrick Brothers Construction Company, Inc. (R-2015-1556) in the amount of $10,836,968 for the construction of both interior and exterior renovations to the Airport Center Building 2 to accommodate offices of the Tourist Development Council and related agencies as well as several divisions of the Sheriff’s Administrative Services including Central Records, Human Resources, Risk Management and Labor Relations.  There is $200,838.50 remaining as a result of sales tax savings, and unused contractor contingency. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) goal established by the SBE Ordinance for this contract is 15%.  Hedrick Brothers Construction Co., Inc.’s SBE participation for this change order is 0%.  Including this change order, Hedrick Brothers Construction Co., Inc.’s overall SBE participation is 44.9%.  This work was funded from bed tax for Tourist Development Council and Fund 3076 – 66.4M Public Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2015A for Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and funds will be returned to the project budget. (Capital Improvements Division) District 2 (LDC)


5.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Annual Contract for Demolition on an as-needed basis with One Call Florida, Inc.  SUMMARY:  This continuing contract has an initial term until April 9, 2020, and is an indefinite-quantity contract with a cumulative maximum value of $500,000 across all prequalified contractors.  With approval of this contract, this contractor will join the list of eight already prequalified contractors for a total of nine.  The work consists of the demolition of specified structures and the demolition of other items such as swimming pools, septic tanks, fences and similar site elements.  The work is to be awarded as work orders on a lump-sum, competitively quoted basis among the pool of nine Demolition contractors.  Contracts will terminate when a total of $500,000 in work orders are issued to any combination of all contractors or when the time frame has expired, whichever occurs first. These contracts provide for up to three one year renewals, at the sole option of the County.  Firms may become pre-qualified and join the bidding pool at any time during the term or renewals.  One Call Florida, Inc. is a Small Business Enterprise and a Palm Beach County business.  The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15%. SBE actual participation will be identified on each work order, and will be tracked cumulatively for each work order issued. (Capital Improvements) Countywide (LDC) 


6.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Annual Contract for Painting & Weatherproofing on an as-needed basis with One Call Florida, Inc.  SUMMARY:  This continuing contract has an initial term until April 9, 2020, and is an indefinite-quantity contract with a cumulative maximum value of $1,000,000 across all prequalified contractors. With approval of this contract, this contractor will join the list of five already prequalified contractors for a total of six. The work consists of the painting interior and/or exterior, surface treatment including but not limited to caulking, sealants, patching, priming and application of paint coating to the substrates and systems.  The work is to be awarded as work orders on a lump-sum, competitively quoted basis among the pool of six Painting contractors.  Contracts will terminate when a total of $1,000,000 in work orders are issued to any combination of all contractors or when the time frame has expired, whichever occurs first.  These contracts provide for up to three one year renewals, at the sole option of the County.  Firms may become pre-qualified and join the bidding pool at any time during the term or renewals. One Call Florida, Inc. is a Small Business Enterprise and a Palm Beach County business. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15%. SBE actual participation will be identified on each work order, and will be tracked cumulatively for each work order issued. (Capital Improvements) Countywide (LDC)


MAY 15, 2018







7.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Annual Contracts for Low Voltage and an increase in the maximum dollar value of the contracts by $2,000,000 for low voltage construction services on a continuing contract basis.



Palm Beach County


SBE or



A)  Audio Fidelity Communications

     Corporation d/b/a Whitlock



B) Audio Visual Innovations, Inc.



C) AVI Integrators, Inc. d/b/a

     Security 101



D) Integrated Security

    Systems ,Inc.



E) Kratos Public Safety &

    Security Solutions, Inc.



F) Red Hawk Fire & Security, LLC



G) Siemens Industry, Inc.



H) Triad Security Group, Inc.




SUMMARY:  The Board initially approved the Annual Low Voltage Contracts for12 pre-qualified contractors on September 13, 2016.  The initial term was for two years, with three renewal options each for a period of one year, at the sole option of the County.   Firms may become pre-qualified and join the bidding pool at any time during the term or renewals. These eight contractors now join the list of 12 already pre-qualified contractors for a total of 20. These are an indefinite-quantity contracts with a cumulative maximum value of $600,000 across all pre-qualified contractors.  Staff is also requesting the cumulative value limit be increased by $2,000,000 for a total cumulative value of $2,600,000. The work consists of low voltage construction services associated with repairs, improvements and renovations to County properties.  Work is to be awarded as work orders on a lump-sum, competitively quoted basis among the pool of 20 pre-qualified contractors.  During the first two years of these Contracts, the County awarded $505,073 in work orders. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15%. SBE actual participation will be identified on each work order, and will be tracked cumulatively for each work order issued. Current cumulative SBE participation for all work orders to-date is 51.18%. (Capital Improvements) Countywide (LDC) 


8.         Staff recommends motion to approve:


A) budget transfer of $221,120 in the Housing Community Development Fund;


B) budget amendment of $221,120 in the Facilities Development and Operations Improvement Fund to recognize the transfer; and   


C) Work Order No. PR 2018012 (R2016-0231) for Wynn and Sons Environmental Construction Company, using the annualized federal contract in the amount of $221,120 for replacement of the four basketball courts at Lake Lytal Park.


SUMMARY:   The four existing asphalt basketball courts at Lake Lytal Park are in poor condition and in need of replacement. This work order will approve the replacement of the four existing asphalt basketball courts with new concrete courts using Department of Economic Sustainability’s Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. (Capital Improvements Division) District 2 (LDC)




MAY 15, 2018







9.         Staff recommends motion to approve: First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (R2013-0611) with the City of Riviera Beach, a municipal corporation (City), to extend the term of the Agreement allowing for direct access to the County’s Public Safety Radio System (System) to May 19, 2022.  SUMMARY:  The Agreement, which provides the terms and conditions under which the City can directly access the System, expires on May 20, 2018.  The Agreement provides for two renewal options, each for a period of four years.  The City has approved a renewal to extend the term of the Agreement to May 19, 2022 and the renewal now requires the Board approval. The terms of this Agreement are standard and have been offered to all municipalities and local branches of State/Federal agencies where connection through an established municipal hub is not technically feasible. The City’s Police Department has been interoperable with the County’s System, initially through a Temporary Agreement, and beginning in 2013 via a Direct Connect Agreement. The annual fees are consistent with those being charged to the County Departments.  In addition, the City is required to pay all costs associated with City’s subscriber units and to comply with the established operating procedures for the System. The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause on October 1st of any year, with a minimum of six months’ notice. The First Amendment renews the term, modifies the attachment and the revisions on indemnification and liability, and adds standard County nondiscrimination provisions.  (ESS) Countywide (LDC)


10.       Staff recommends motion to approve: Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) with the City of Riviera Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (City) for radio maintenance services.  SUMMARY:  The Agreement provides for the provision of radio equipment maintenance services to the City, by FDO/Electronic Services & Security Division.  The services are to be charged on an hourly basis at a cost of $65/hr/person and $97.50/hr/person for overtime work.  In the event that the County must out-source the labor, a separate labor rate is provided. The maintenance costs for the radio consoles are included in County’s service contract with Motorola and are paid as a lump sum reimbursement to the County. The rates may be adjusted annually with notification by June 1 (effective that following October 1) at the County’s sole discretion, but in no event shall the City’s fee schedule exceed the fee schedule applied to County departments.  The Agreement commences on May 20, 2018, at the expiration of the previous Agreement (R2015-0918), for a term of four years.  There is one renewal option for a period of three years.  The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause with a minimum of three months’ notice. The County has been providing radio equipment maintenance services to the City since February 5, 2013. (ESS) Countywide (LDC)


11.       Staff recommends motion to approve:  Third Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (R2003-0801) with the City of West Palm Beach, (City) to extend the term of the Agreement for interoperable radio communications through the countywide common talk groups of the County’s 800 MHz Radio System to June 3, 2023.  SUMMARY:  The Agreement, which provides the terms and conditions under which the City can program its radios and utilize the countywide common talk groups for certain inter-agency communications expires on June 3, 2018. The Agreement provided for three renewal options, each for a period of five years. The City has approved a renewal to extend the term of the Agreement to June 3, 2023, and the renewal now requires Board approval. The terms of the Agreement are standard and have been offered to all municipalities and local branches of State/Federal agencies with 800 MHz trunked radio capabilities. There are no charges associated with the Agreement. The City is required to pay all costs associated with its subscriber units and to comply with established operating procedures for the System. The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause with ten days notice. This Third Amendment renews the term, updates the attachment, notices, and provisions on maintenance, confidential nature of access codes, authorized and prohibited uses of Talk Groups, Indemnification and liability, and adds standard County nondiscrimination provision.  Other than the changes set forth herein, all other terms remain the same. (ESS) Countywide (LDC)

MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:


A) budget transfer of $350,461 in the Housing and Community Development Fund, and


B) budget amendment of $350,461 in the Park Improvement Fund to recognize the transfer.


SUMMARY: The Fourth Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Action Plan allocated Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for ADA improvements for Affron Park, Ixora Park, Kennedy Estates Park, Lake Belvedere Estates Park, Lake Lytal Park, Paul Rardin Park and Sanders Drive Park.  The ADA improvements include installation of rubber playground surfacing, construction of pedestrian pathways, and paving of parking lots. The Parks and Recreation Department (Parks) and Facilities Development and Operations Department (FDO) are the implementing agencies for these public facility projects. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Housing and Economic Sustainability, Parks and FDO requires that an interdepartmental budget transfer be established to reimburse Parks for eligible costs for these projects for a total $571,581.  Of this total amount, $221,120 is included in a companion agenda item on Lake Lytal Basketball Court (3H-8) prepared by FDO. The balance of $350,461 is included in this agenda item. This budget transfer and amendment is necessary to process the interdepartmental transfers. These are CDBG grant funds which require no local match. Districts 1, 2, 3, & 6 (JB)


2.         Staff recommends motion to execute: “Certification By State or Local Official of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan or State Consolidated Plan” for the Palm Beach County Housing Authority (PBCHA) in connection with their Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Public Housing Authority (PHA) Plan. SUMMARY: PBCHA has prepared its Annual PHA Plan for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2018.  The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires the County to confirm that the plans and programs outlined in PBCHA’s Annual PHA Plan are consistent with those set forth in the County’s Consolidated Plan. Confirmation of this consistency is documented through a “Certification by State or Local Official of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan or State Consolidated Plan.”  The Department of Housing and Economic Sustainability has reviewed the PBCHA’s draft Annual PHA Plan and determined that the goals, objectives and plans outlined therein are consistent with the overall goals and specific housing objectives outlined in the Palm Beach County Fiscal Year 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan. Specifically, the Annual PHA Plan will: increase the supply of affordable housing, improve the quality of existing affordable housing, improve access to affordable rental housing, and promote equal opportunity housing.  Since the PBCHA’s Annual Agency Plan is consistent with the County’s Consolidated Plan, staff recommends execution of this certification. Countywide (JB)














MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: appointment of one new member to the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB)



Seat No.



Nominated by

Cortena Williams


Consumer Representative


Mayor McKinlay

Vice Mayor Bernard

Commissioner Abrams

Commissioner Burdick


SUMMARY: The CILB was established by Special Act, Laws of Florida, Chapter 67‑1876, as amended. The Special Act and, subsequently, Section 489.131, Florida Statutes (F.S.) sets forth the membership of the Board, which consists of fifteen members. The nomination for appointment of a new member is Mrs. Cortena Williams who was nominated by the National Association of Black Women in Construction, Inc. to complete the unexpired term of Dave Santana who resigned due to business obligations. Upon completion of the term Mrs. Williams will then serve her first  three year term as the Consumer Representative cited in the Special Act, and F.S. establishing the CILB. Memorandums for appointments and endorsements were sent to the Board of County Commissioners on March 19, 2018. No other nominations were received. The CILB has 14 seats currently filled and a diversity count of Caucasian: 9 (65%), Hispanic-American: 4 (28%) and Native-American: 1 (7%). The gender ratio (female: male) is 1:13. Mrs. Williams is an African-American female. Countywide (SF)





1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) with the North Springs Improvement District (NSID) for the purchase and sale of bulk potable water and to establish emergency interconnects.  SUMMARY:  In order to ensure the most efficient delivery of potable water service, the County has encouraged the use of cooperative agreements with other utility providers. This Agreement provides for the NSID to purchase up to 15,000 gallons per day of potable water from the County. NSID will purchase the 15,000 gallons of potable water capacity at a rate of $3.84 per gallon.  NSID will pay $2.72 per 1,000 gallons for its initial commodity rate.  Beginning on October 1, 2018, an annual rate adjustment will be applied each year based on an adjustment that will ensure that NSID’s commodity fee increases at the same pace as the County’s retail customers. A 33% surcharge shall be added to the commodity fee for usage exceeding the capacity reserved by NSID as determined on an annual average daily flow basis.  The Agreement also establishes an emergency interconnect between the County and NSID. When utilization is necessary, NSID must notify the County detailing the emergency, the estimated usage and time of use. The County may reasonably limit the amount of potable water delivered during the days and hours of the provision of potable water to NSID. NSID provides water treatment, wastewater collection and stormwater management to residents in the City of Coral Springs and the City of Parkland in Broward County. Districts 3, 4, 5 & 7 (MJ)












MAY 15, 2018





K.        WATER UTILITIES (Cont’d)


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Amendment No. 1 to the Water Utilities Department (WUD) Pipeline Continuing Construction Contract 2016 (Contract) with Johnson-Davis Incorporated, renewing the Contract for an additional one year period.  SUMMARY: On July 12, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Contract (R2016-0902). The Contract provides materials and installation services for raw water mains, potable water mains, reclaimed water mains, wastewater force mains and water service lines for a 24-month term with the option of one 12-month renewal in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000. Amendment No. 1 to the Contract exercises the option for a one-year renewal through July 11, 2019. Amendment No. 1 does not include any cost increase to the contract amount. Amendment No. 1 will provide the necessary time extension to expedite utility special assessment projects and other pipeline improvement projects where timing is critical throughout the WUD service area. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15% overall. The Contract provides for SBE participation of 3.28%. The current cumulative SBE participation under the Contract is 12.56%. Johnson-Davis Incorporated is a Palm Beach County company. (WUD Project No. 16-013) Countywide (MJ)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Amendment No. 2 to the Water Utilities Department (WUD) Continuing Contract for Pipe Wet Tapping & Line Stops (Contract) with Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc., renewing the Contract for an additional one year period.  SUMMARY: On July 12, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners approved the WUD Contract (R2016-0894). The Contract provides materials and installation services for system-wide pipe wet tapping and line stops projects in the amount of $4,763,649.10 over a 24-months term with the option to renew twice for a duration of 12 months for each renewal. On January 10, 2017, (R2016-0894) Amendment No. 1 to the Contract reduced the Labor Unit Price for Bid Item No. 235 (Mobilization/Demobilization 4”-16” pipe size) from $5,000.00 to $500.00 decreasing the Contract amount by $270,000 for a total Contract amount of $4,493,649.10. Amendment No. 2 to the Contract exercises the option to renew the Contract for an additional one year through July 11, 2019. Amendment No. 2 does not include any increase to the Contract amount of $4,493,649.10. Amendment No. 2 is to provide necessary time extension to the Contract to expedite the installation of pipe wet taps and line stops for emergency pipe repairs, pipe and valve replacements and constructions projects throughout the WUD service area. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15% overall. The Contract provides for SBE participation of 100%. The current cumulative SBE participation under the Contract is 100%.  Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc., is a Palm Beach County company. (WUD Project No. 16-022) Countywide (MJ)


4.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Amendment No. 1 to the Water Utilities Department (WUD) Professional Consulting/Professional Services Surveying and Mapping Services (Contract) with Dennis J. Leavy & Associates, Inc., renewing the Contract for an additional one year period.  SUMMARY: On June 6, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Contract (R2017-0732). The Contract provides surveying and mapping services for utility related projects and will be available for utilization by other County Departments.  The Contract included a 12-month term with the option of two 12-month renewal at the discretion of the County.  Work under the Contract is assigned on a task-by-task basis through individual Consultant Services Authorizations (CSA). Amendment No. 1 to the Contract exercises the option to renew the Contract for one year through June 5, 2019.  Amendment No. 1 does not involve any increase to the Contract amount and will provide for professional consultation/surveying and mapping services throughout the WUD service area. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation goal established by the SBE Ordinance is 15% overall. The Contract provides for SBE participation of 100%. The current cumulative SBE participation under the Contract is 100%.  Dennis J. Leavy & Associates, Inc., is a Palm Beach County company. (WUD Project No. 16-082) Countywide (MJ)

MAY 15, 2018





K.        WATER UTILITIES (Cont’d)


5.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Reimbursement Agreement (Agreement) between Palm Beach County and Boca Raton Associates VII, LLLP (Property Owner) in the amount of $527,564. SUMMARY: The Water Utilities Department (WUD) is requiring the Property Owner to extend the 20-inch reclaimed watermain along the eastern boundary of the Hyder South AGR PUD in conjunction with their construction of the adjacent property. Knowing that WUD is additionally seeking to establish greater connectivity and efficiency within the County’s reclaimed water system, the Property Owner proposed to design and construct approximately 5,420 feet of 20-inch reclaimed watermain from Lyons Road to State Road 7 along the southern boundary of the property, conditioned upon full reimbursement by WUD. All improvements will be constructed in accordance with WUD’s Uniform Policies and Procedures Manual, subject to review by WUD staff. Following the completion of the construction, the Property Owner will transfer the ownership of the improvements to the County via a Bill of Sale, provide comprehensive utility record drawings and grant utility easements over all County owned facilities on the property.  The Agreement provides for the payment of $527,564 for the design and construction along the southern border of the property that will be undertaken by the Property Owner.  Should the project cost exceed the agreed upon amount, the Agreement provides that the County will be responsible for approving any additional necessary costs above and beyond 10% of the original estimated project cost. The Property Owner will construct the reclaimed watermain on undeveloped land in conjunction with their project, which will result in a cost savings of approximately $700,000 compared to the cost for WUD to install these improvements under current contracts. The Property Owner is able to minimize the cost due to the timing and size of the project.  The improvements are beneficial to the County and the public and will result in a large savings to the County.  District 2 (MJ)


6.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the Village of Royal Palm Beach (Village) for the Co-location of Telemetry Facilities. SUMMARY:  On February 28, 2006, the County entered into an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Water and Wastewater Assets (Purchase Agreement) with the Village (R2006-0410).  On April 27, 2006, the County and the Village entered into an associated Transition Agreement (R2006-2660). These agreements provided for the purchase by the County of the water and wastewater systems within the Village and established the County Water Utilities Department (WUD) as the service provider within the Village.  Section 3.3 of the Purchase Agreement and Section 3 of the Transition Agreement obligate the Village to cooperate with the County in the use of Village property, privileges, easements, licenses, and/or prescriptive rights for the construction, reconstruction, installation, maintenance and operation of the purchased water and wastewater system. On June 7, 2007, the Village entered into a lease agreement with Crown Communication, Inc., for the construction of a wireless communication tower and associated facilities on which the Village has the right to co-locate communications facilities.  The lease agreement was subsequently amended on August 26, 2010, to provide assignment to Crown Castle South, LLC.  WUD has determined a need to co-locate telemetry communication facilities on the tower in order to provide for the efficient delivery of water and wastewater services to Village residents and other WUD customers. Pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement and Transition Agreement, the Village has agreed to allow the County to utilize its ability to co-locate communications facilities on the tower to facilitate the telemetry needs identified by WUD.  The ILA provides for the terms and conditions under which the County will be permitted to utilize the Village’s co-location area to install the necessary infrastructure. WUD will be responsible for providing the Village with any technical documentation necessary to support an application by the Village for co-location as required in the Village lease agreement.  Any co-location on the communication tower is subject to approval of the application pursuant to the Village’s lease agreement and the term of the ILA is concurrent with the term of the lease agreement. District 6 (MJ)



MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: First Amendment to Contract for Consulting/Professional Services with the University of Florida (UF) (R2017-0184) (Contract) extending the termination of the Contract from December 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018 and amending the payment schedule table to reflect the amended termination date of the Contract. SUMMARY: On February 7, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Contract with UF providing for a permanent visitor and traffic counter installation, and calibration assessment of natural areas managed by Environmental Resources Management. The survey entails the installation of visitor use counters at representative natural areas to monitor public use for several months in comparison to counts obtained by the traffic counters. Using the analyzed data, UF will develop a monitoring strategy report that identifies the appropriate locations to permanently install counters to monitor visitors, and to determine trends of visitations across multiple years. Delegated authority to execute all future time extensions, task assignments, certifications, and any other forms associated with the Contract was approved at that time. Countywide (AH)





1.         Staff recommends motion to:


            A) ratify the signature of the Mayor on a Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) grant application submitted to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) on March 20, 2018. The application requests $100,000 to fund a portion of the planning, design and permitting cost associated with the redevelopment of Ocean Inlet Park Marina;


            B) adopt Resolution for Assistance under the FFWCC FBIP for grant funding associated with the planning, design and permitting of Ocean Inlet Park in the amount of $200,000;


            C) authorize the County Administrator or designee to execute the Grant Project Agreement as well as task assignments, certifications, standard forms, or amendments to the Agreement that do not change the scope of work or terms and conditions of the Agreement, if the grant is approved; and


            D) authorize the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department to serve as Liaison Agent with FIND for this project.


SUMMARY:  The consultant hired to complete the preliminary site plan and obtain approvals from the Town of Ocean Ridge estimates the planning, design and permitting for this project will cost approximately $400,000.  For purposes of this grant and ease of accounting, the total cost of the project identified in the FFWCC FBIP grant application is $200,000 with a grant request of $100,000 or 50% of the project costs.  The County is simultaneously applying for a $200,000 Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) grant for this project.  If awarded this $100,000 FFWCC grant will be matched with Infrastructure Sales Tax funding or if awarded FIND grant funds.  Due to grant-related items requiring timely execution by the County, staff is requesting Board approval for the County Administrator or designee to approve grant documents and the Parks and Recreation Director to act as the Liaison Agent for this project, if this grant is approved by FFWCC. District 4 (AH)








MAY 15, 2018





M.        PARKS & RECREATION (Cont’d)


2.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) ratify the signature of the Mayor on a Waterways Assistance Program (WAP) grant application submitted to the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) on March 27, 2018, requesting $200,000 to fund 50% of design, planning and permitting for improvements to the Ocean Inlet Park Marina;


B) adopt Resolution for Assistance under the FIND WAP for grant funding for design, planning and permitting of Ocean Inlet Park in the amount of $200,000;


C) authorize the County Administrator or  designee to execute the Grant Project Agreement, as well as task assignments, certifications, standard forms, or amendments to the Agreement that do not change the scope of work or terms and conditions of the Agreement, if the grant is approved; and


D) authorize the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department to serve as Liaison Agent with FIND for this project.


            SUMMARY:  The total cost of the project identified in the FIND WAP grant application is $400,000. This grant application requests up to $200,000 (50%) for design, planning and permitting costs to renovate and redevelop the Ocean Inlet Park Marina.  The County is simultaneously applying for a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) grant in the amount of $100,000.  If the FIND grant is awarded the County will provide a matching funds using a combination of the Infrastructure Sales Tax funding and FFWCC funding if awarded. Due to grant-related items requiring timely execution by the County, staff is requesting Board approval for the County Administrator or designee to approve grant documents and the Parks and Recreation Director to act as the Liaison Agent for this project, if this grant is approved by FIND. District 4 (AH)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  


A) Amendment to the Infrastructure Surtax (IST) Project Plan approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 4, 2017; and


B) budget transfer of $988,342 within the IST Fund to partially fund the West Boynton Park Athletic Field Renovation Project.


SUMMARY: On February 6, 2018, the Board approved a budget transfer of $2,500,000 within the IST Fund to partially fund the Ocean Inlet Park & Marina Renovation and Expansion project. $2,000,000 was transferred from the West Boynton Park Athletic Field Renovation Project and $500,000 was transferred from the Buttonwood Park Athletic Field Renovation Project leaving $1,000,000 in the Buttonwood Park Project account. This request is to transfer the remaining Buttonwood Park Project balance of $988,342, presently allocated in FY 2018 for the Buttonwood Park Athletic Field Renovation Project, to the West Boynton Park Athletic Field Renovation Project for the installation of a synthetic turf field.  The West Boynton Park project was initiated in FY 2017.  This amendment and transfer will allow the project to move forward in FY 2018. Demand for multipurpose field use at West Boynton Park exceeds that of Buttonwood Park and therefore has become a higher priority for renovation.  Replacing one natural grass field in FY 2018 at West Boynton Park will offer greater utility of the multi-purpose fields for youth sports programs. The Sales Tax Oversight Committee reviewed this request at their April 19, 2018 meeting and approved it unanimously. Countywide (AH)







MAY 15, 2018





M.        PARKS & RECREATION (Cont’d)


4.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  following original executed Sound and Light Production Services Contractor Agreement:


Blackwood Productions, LLC, Six String Soldiers Concert, Sunset Cove Amphitheater, for the period March 9, 2018 through March 10, 2018.


SUMMARY: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts/ agreements/grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item.  The Sound and Light Production Services Contractor Agreements have been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (Board) by the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department in accordance with Resolution 2009-0592, amended by Resolutions 2010‑0645, 2014‑0167, 2017-1368 and 2018-0179, and is now being submitted to the Board to receive and file. District 5 (AH)


5.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  following original executed Independent Contractor Agreement:


Sally Welsh-Chapela, Water Fitness Classes, Therapeutic Recreation Complex, for the period April 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018.


SUMMARY:  In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts/ agreements/grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file Agenda Item.  This Independent Contractor Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (Board) by the Director/Assistant Director of the Parks and Recreation Department in accordance with Resolution 94-422, amended by Resolutions 2002-2103, 2007-0409, 2012-0168 and 2017-0822, and is now being submitted by the Board to receive and file. District 3 (AH)



S.        FIRE RESCUE 


1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: fully executed standard agreements for Swimming Lessons for FY 2018 with:


A) City of Boynton Beach;


B) City of Delray Beach; and


C) Young Men’s Christian Association of South Palm Beach County, Inc.


SUMMARY:  On September 27, 2005, the Board adopted Resolution Number R2005-1906 authorizing the County Administrator, or designee (the Fire Rescue Administrator), to execute standard agreements with municipalities and independent contractors to provide swimming lessons to members of the public through the Palm Beach County Drowning Prevention Coalition’s Learn to Swim Program. These standard agreements have been fully executed by the Fire Rescue Administrator, and are now being submitted to the Board as a receive and file agenda item in accordance with Countywide PPM CW-O-051 for the Clerk and Comptroller’s Office to receive and file.  Countywide (SB)









MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) (R2016-0278)  to extend the delivery date to September 1, 2018 and expiration date to September 30, 2018 for base LIDAR map data through the USGS 3DEP Grant program.  SUMMARY: On March 1, 2016 the Board executed an agreement with SFWMD (R2016-0278) for cost sharing to obtain base LIDAR map data through the USGS 3DEP Grant program.  The SFWMD agreed to contribute up to $85,000 in funding to help pay for the LIDAR mapping project.  The deliverable was due to SFWMD by the end of calendar year 2017; however, delivery of Palm Beach County’s LIDAR data by USGS has been delayed because of the recent hurricanes and unanticipated data processing issues. Amendment 1 extended the Agreement to June 1, 2018, but staff were advised by USGS that the delivery is further delayed. This Amendment extends the delivery date to September 1, 2018 and Agreement expiration to September 30, 2018. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain unchanged. Countywide (DB)


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Second Amendment to Pricing Schedule for AT&T Switched Ethernet Service, (R2015-0889) required for replacement of AT&T Metro-Ethernet service that is being phased out, and to allow for the continued upgrade of the County’s Regional Network and the NG911 network.  SUMMARY:  This Second Amendment to Pricing Schedule for AT&T Switched Ethernet Services will allow the County to obtain advanced features for data transport services offered by AT&T, including the NG911 network and will modify the original agreement, (R2015-0889) and the First Amendment (R2016-1533).  The continued implementation of the County’s Regional Network and the NG911 network, which are being administered by the Information Systems Services and Public Safety Departments, respectively, will rely on the provisions and capabilities provided in this Second Amendment. This Amendment will be appended to the existing AT&T Master Agreement, #133405UA, approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 30, 2009 (R2009-1055).  Countywide (DB)





1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) approve budget transfer of $100,000 from the General Fund Animal Care and Control (ACC) donation account to the Capital Outlay Fund for the construction of three chickee huts at ACC and thatch repairs to existing huts; and


B) approve budget amendment of $100,000 in the Capital Outlay fund to recognize the transfer from the General Fund.


Summary:  ACC receives various donations made by citizens that are used for the improvement in the quality of life for animals at the shelter or operational enhancements. Thatch repairs are needed to the three existing huts which provide superior shade and cooling to the meet and greet areas. The three new huts will provide shade and a sheltered outdoor environment for staff, volunteers, and dogs as the dogs are exercised and socialized in order to make them more adoptable.  Play areas with artificial turf can reach temperatures in excess of 160 degrees making it uncomfortable and unsafe for staff and volunteers to work outside and causing burns to the dogs’ feet.  These huts will greatly increase the number of hours in which the dogs can be exercised safely. Countywide (SF)






MAY 15, 2018





X.        PUBLIC SAFETY (Cont’d)


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve: appointment of one nominee and reappointment of one incumbent nominee to Consumer Affairs Hearing Board for the term of May 15, 2018 to September 30, 2020 as follows:


Seat No


Seat Requirement

Nominated by


Manohar Athavale

Citizen/Resident (incumbent)

Mayor McKinlay

Vice Mayor Bernard

Commissioner Burdick

Commissioner Abrams


Seat No


Seat Requirement

Nominated by


Courtney Shippey

Citizen/Resident (new)

Mayor McKinlay

Vice Mayor Bernard

Commissioner Burdick

Commissioner Abrams


Summary:  The Consumer Affairs Ordinance was approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on December 17, 2013, and codified in Chapter 9, Article I of the Palm Beach County Code. The Consumer Affairs Ordinance established a seven member Consumer Affairs Hearing Board (CAHB).  The Hearing Board serves in both an advisory capacity to the County Commissioners and as an Appeals Hearing Board to hear and act on consumer concerns about unfair/deceptive business practices and appeals relating to the towing, vehicle for hire, moving and price gouging ordinances. Members are selected from various businesses, professions and the general public.  A memo was sent to the BCC on March 9, 2018 seeking nominations for the above two at-large seats. The CAHB has seven seats, three are currently filled. With the appointments to these seats, the CAHB will have five seats filled. The Advisory Board will have a diversity count as follows: Asian: 2 (40%) African American: 1 (20%) and Caucasian: 2 (40%). The gender ratio (male: female) is 5:0. Countywide (LDC)





























MAY 15, 2018





X.        PUBLIC SAFETY (Cont’d)


3.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  six Grant Adjustment Notices (GAN) numbered 001, 002, 3, 004, 005 and 006 with the US Department of Justice (DOJ), Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), Grants to Improve Criminal Justice Response Program (ICJR) (2017-WE-AX-0034), which facilitated administrative filing and approvals through March 16, 2018. 


1. GAN #001 Training;

2. GAN #002 Freeze grants funds;

3. GAN #3 Denied payment for training;

4. GAN #004 Approval to implement Award 2017-WE-AX-0034;

5. GAN #005 Training; and

6. GAN #006 Approval by Accounting Supervisor to implement Award 2017-WE-AX-0034.


Summary:  As per grant guidelines, certain expenditures and work product require approval from the OVW ICJR grant manager. The approval process is facilitated by drafting a GAN and submitting it through the OVW’s Grant Management web portal.  GAN #001 approved two staff members to attend the Start By Believing Train the Trainer program in Arizona.  GAN #002 froze grant funds as the progress report due January 30, 2018, was not submitted pending grant manager’s direction.  GAN #3 denied the request to pay for six staff to take an on-line Danger Assessment training because it was not an OVW sponsored training. GAN #004 verified that previous award (2014-WE-AX-0011) was complete and the current award was ready to begin implementation.  GAN #005 approved two staff members to attend the End Violence Against Women conference in Chicago. GAN #006 reflected that the accounting supervisor approved the implementation of the current award. R2014-1633, authorized the County Administrator or designee to execute future awards, contracts, sub-recipient agreements and sub-contracts and amendments/modifications utilizing funding from the DOJ, OVW on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners.  Countywide (LDC)




























MAY 15, 2018





X.        PUBLIC SAFETY (Cont’d)


4.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: following Interlocal Agreements with governmental agencies for the reimbursement of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) grant funding for medical equipment.


1. City of Boynton Beach;

2. City of Delray Beach;

3. City of Greenacres;

4. Village of North Palm Beach;

5. City of Palm Beach Gardens;

6. Village of Tequesta; and

7. City of West Palm Beach.


Summary:  The County was awarded $201,688 during the FY 2017-18 grant cycle from the State of Florida Department of Health, EMS Bureau, to improve and expand EMS systems. The grant funding may be used by the County or municipal agencies to purchase EMS equipment and accordingly, the County has agreed to reimburse the following municipalities: 1) City of Boynton Beach for the purchase of video laryngoscopes not to exceed the amount of $7,200; 2) City of Delray Beach for the purchase of a patient stretcher not to exceed the amount of $37,000; 3) City of Greenacres for the purchase of a cardiac compression device not to exceed the amount of $16,000; 4) Village of North Palm Beach for the purchase of narcotic lockers not to exceed the amount of $15,200; 5) City of Palm Beach Gardens for the purchase of mobile medical cabinets not to exceed the amount of $15,000; 6) Village of Tequesta for the purchase of a power load fastening system not to exceed the amount of $22,000; 7) City of West Palm Beach for the purchase of an MCI response kit not to exceed the amount of $20,000. The remaining EMS grant funding will be used to purchase EMS equipment for the benefit of the citizens of the County and surrounding municipal agencies. On August 13, 2013, the County Administrator or designee was authorized to execute these standard agreements between the County and various governmental and non-governmental agencies and make non-substantive and ministerial changes on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, after approval of legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office, and within budgeted allocations. There is no ad valorem funding required. Countywide (LDC)

























MAY 15, 2018





X.        PUBLIC SAFETY (Cont’d)


5.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) approve following documents required by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSMV) for completion of driver history record checks for the Vehicle for Hire and Tow Truck Ordinances:


1. MOU for Governmental Entity Access to Driver and Vehicle Information   Database System (DAVID) for a period of six years from date of execution;

2. MOU for Driver’s License and/or Motor Vehicle Record Data Exchange for a period of three years from the date of execution;

3. Certification Statement;

4. Data Access Application; and

5. Data Access Technical Specifications Questionnaire.


B)  authorize  the County Administrator or designee to sign future FDHSMV MOUs along with all attachments and required applications, certifications, amendments, renewals or updated memoranda for access as well as other forms necessary to maintain an active status with the FDHSMV for driver history record checks to verify applicant compliance with the Vehicle for Hire and Tow Truck Ordinances administered by the Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA).


Summary:  The DCA uses the FDHSMV motor vehicle records in order to perform background checks on Vehicle for Hire and Tow Truck driver applicants.  The current MOU with FDHSMV (R2015-0737) expires on June 26, 2018. The FDHSMV is requiring the DCA to reapply for access and execute two updated MOUs.  The record data exchange provides an automated file from FDHSMV to the County on a regular basis.  The file contains information on each driver applicant including a license status of valid or expired, suspensions, revocations, and a description of sanctions and traffic violations. There is a $10 fee paid to FDHSMV for each driver license transcript requested and a $2 fee for a driver record search if no record is found, which the applicant pays as a fee during the processing period.  To maintain an active status of the Driver’s License and Motor Vehicle Record Data Exchange, the two form memoranda are required to be executed along with the exhibits and certifications attached hereto.  Periodically, the County must submit and comply with various audit and control requirements including: an Internal Control Attestation submitted every third and sixth year, a Quarterly Quality Control Review, and an Annual Control Attestation. Countywide (LDC)































































MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:


A) Community Based Agency Contract with Youth Speak Out International Inc., for the period June 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $28,941, for the Today’s Technology and Communication Program; and


B) budget transfer of $28,941 in the General Fund from the Head Start Match reallocation (Unit 1451) for new evidence-based/promising programming to fund the cost associated with this Contract.


SUMMARY: Youth Speak Out International Inc. promotes media literacy as a key means of countering media stereotyping. This approach encourages openness with objectivity and fosters tolerance, understanding and respect in today’s society. The Today’s Technology and Communication Program (TTC) is an 8-week hands-on summer program that will provide 65 middle and 15 high school youth with opportunities to build their cultural media literacy, media production and interpersonal communication skills so they become critical thinkers of cultural media messages and be more capable of self-regulating the time they spend communicating through mobile technology.  TTC is open to any student in Palm Beach County. The programs will be held at Vedado Park Community Center in West Palm Beach and at the Community Center in the City of Greenacres. Participants will also produce a Public Service Announcement to educate the community on how the overuse of technology is affecting face-to-face communication, and get an opportunity to showcase their media productions at the end of the Program. District 2 (HH)




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MAY 15, 2018



4.         PUBLIC HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and file: Proof of publication)


            A.        INTERNAL AUDIT


1.         Staff recommends motion to adopt: Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, amending Ordinance 2017-020; providing for title; providing for the establishment, purpose, authority, composition, meetings and responsibilities of the Palm Beach County Internal Audit Committee; providing for  repeal of laws in conflict; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code of laws and ordinances; and providing for an effective date. SUMMARY: The Internal Audit Committee (Committee) conducted a review of the duties and responsibilities of the Committee as established in Ordinance 2017-020, known as the Palm Beach County Internal Audit Committee Charter Ordinance, and has identified several revisions it believes are necessary.  The revisions are recommended to align the attendance requirements of the Ordinance with County policy, align the ethics requirements of the Ordinance with the County Code of Ethics, to remove obsolete language, to allow a committee member to serve more than one two-year non-consecutive term as Committee chair; and to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the alternate member. Countywide (DB)





1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Revised Alignment 1A for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane.  Alternative Alignment 1A for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane (Project), contingent on Hilltop Residential Limited (HRL), or its successors or assigns, conveying to Palm Beach County (County) all right-of-way necessary for the project, free and clear of all encumbrances, within eight months of this Board of County Commissioners’ (BCC) meeting date.


SUMMARY:  Approval of Revised Alternative Alignment 1A will meet the needs of both Palm Beach the County (County) and Hilltop Residential Limited (HRL).  Conceptual Alignment 1A was previously approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on February 28, 2006, and is situated on property owned by HRL.  Alternative Alignment 1A. The alignment is required to establish right-of-way for the construction of a three (3) lane roadway for the segment of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to Park Lane.  HRL proposes to develop this property and is aware that the development will need to must dedicate the necessary right-of-way to the County free and clear of all encumbrances.  County staff and HRL’s representatives have coordinated Revised Alternative Alignment 1A to be mutually beneficial.  No other privately owned properties will be impacted by this revised alternative alignment, but some impacts are expected on property owned by the City of Palm Beach Gardens (City).  The revised alternative alignment has been coordinated with the City.  Use of Alternative Alignment 1A for the extension of Congress Avenue, in lieu of Conceptual Alignment 1A, is contingent upon HRL, or its successors or assigns, dedicating the necessary right-of-way to the County clear of all encumbrances within eight months of approval of this alternative alignment.  In the event HRL fails to meet this contingency, then the County will proceed with the original Conceptual Alignment 1A.  The Five-Year Road Program includes $5.76 million for design, mitigation and right-of-way acquisition for the extension of Congress Avenue from Northlake Boulevard to State Road 811/Alternate A1A in Fiscal Year 2018, and funding of $4 million and $2 million respectively for construction in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021.  District 1 (LBH)



            C.        COUNTY ATTORNEY


1.         Staff recommends motion to  adopt: Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, allowing for opioid cost recovery and declaring the effects of opioid abuse on the County a public nuisance; providing for purpose and intent; providing for definitions; providing for cost recovery; providing for effect of criminal or civil proceedings on cost recovery; providing for declaration of public nuisance; providing for retroactive application; providing for repeal of laws in conflict; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code of laws and ordinances; providing captions; and providing for an effective date. SUMMARY:  The large scale sale, distribution, and prescription of opioids in Palm Beach County has created a public health and safety hazard, affecting many residents, and requiring Palm Beach County to incur great expense associated with this widespread epidemic.  The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a mechanism for Palm Beach County to recover taxpayer’s costs incurred as a result of this epidemic, and to declare the opioid crisis in Palm Beach County a public nuisance.  The Board of County Commissioners approved this Ordinance on Preliminary reading May 1, 2018. Countywide (LB)


MAY 15, 2018



4.         PUBLIC HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and file: Proof of publication)


D.        PALM TRAN


1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) approve the filing of the FY2017 Section 5307 (CFDA 20.507) electronic Grant Application with the Federal Transit Administration for capital funds allocated to Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in the amount of $16,158,582.  This is a cost reimbursable agreement and has an anticipated start date of October 1, 2017 and an anticipated end date of April 10, 2022;


B)  approve the filing of Standard Form LLL - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities;


C) authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to electronically submit and execute on behalf of the BCC, and to transmit electronically the BCC’s approval of the Grant Application, award, and the resulting grant agreement;


D) approve upward budget amendment of $519,364 in Palm Tran’s Grants Fund 1341 to reconcile the adopted budget to the grant award.


SUMMARY:  The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) distributes Section 5307 funds to provide public transportation capital, operating assistance and for public transportation-related planning.  The FY2017 Grant will fund items necessary for the continued operations of the Palm Tran system including:  $4,000,000 to replace buses that have reached their useful life; $161,586 for the one-percent project security requirement; $187,200 for the Transit Asset Management Plan; $216,342 for project management; $2,771,555 for facility rehabilitation and South County Expansion; $1,182,681 for Farebox Technology; and $7,639,218 for preventive maintenance. This application has a match requirement of $4,039,646 or 20% of the total project cost. The source of the matching funds are Toll Revenue Credits provided by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).  Execution of the FTA award represents the County’s legal affirmation to abide by FTA and other federal requirements as described in The Master Agreement FTA MA (24) dated October 1, 2017, approved by the Board on April 10, 2018 under item 3-AA1. The grant also requires execution of the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Form LLL. The grant funded positions will be eliminated when funding is discontinued. No County funds are required.  Countywide (DR)



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MAY 15, 2018







1.         Title:  Presentation of a certificate of appreciation to Senator Joseph Abruzzo for his legislative service. Countywide (DW)


2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:   Presentation of the 2018 Legislative Session final report by the Palm Beach County Legislative Affairs Office and Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation Office.  SUMMARY:   A presentation of the final legislative report reviewing Palm Beach County’s 2018 State Legislative Agenda priorities and appropriations with the Board of County Commissioners. Countywide (DW)













MAY 15, 2018







1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) amend the Workforce Housing Program Down Payment Assistance Strategy to be referred to as the Workforce Housing Program Financial Assistance Strategy and incorporate additional features to enable the purchase and sale of housing units governed by the Workforce Housing Program; and

B) expand the delegated authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to make administrative modifications and execute any documents necessary to implement the Workforce Housing Program Financial Assistance Strategy to now include authority to purchase and sell housing units governed by the Workforce Housing Program.

SUMMARY: At the February 27, 2018 Board of County Commissioners Workshop, staff presented the Workforce Housing Program (WHP) Down Payment Assistance Strategy.  Staff was authorized to finalize the strategy and present it at an upcoming BCC meeting. On March 13, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners approved the WHP Down Payment Assistance Strategy, which provides assistance to eligible buyers to purchase for-sale workforce housing units and delegated authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to execute any documents necessary to implement the Strategy. The WHP Trust Fund has a balance of approximately $3 Million generated from in-lieu payments from 38 for-sale units at $81,500.  Currently, there are 121 WHP units available for sale. Working in partnership with the current developers, some necessary program enhancements and clarifications have been identified. This includes renaming the Strategy to Workforce Housing Program Financial Assistance Strategy, incorporating additional features and expanding the authority delegated to the County Administrator, or designee. Specifically, the proposed amendments provide for the following (see Attachment 1 to agenda item):

1. Maximum asset limit – $200,000 for all eligible WHP participants;

2. Buyer Occupancy Requirements – owner occupied buyers who will use the home as their primary residence;

3. First mortgage loan option for eligible buyers; and

4. Purchase and sell of eligible workforce housing units by the County. This provides for the County to purchase such units, under extenuating circumstances, rather than allowing them to be converted to market rate.  Workforce Housing Trust Funds will be used to purchase the units at the predetermined WHP price points and for carrying costs. Proceeds from the sale of the WHP units to eligible buyers will be deposited back into the Fund.  The FY2017 purchase price points per income category for the WHP units are as follows: $142,590–Low Income Households; $183,330–Moderate 1 Income Households; $224,070–Moderate 2 Income Households; and $264,810–Middle Income Households.

These are WHP funds which do not require a local match. Countywide (JB)


            C.         PALM TRAN


1.         DELETED FOR FURTHER STAFF REVIEW: Staff recommends motion to:  


A) approve Renewal Number 002 to Standard Agreement No. IA016-9635 with the Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast (CFDA 93.044) in the amount of $644,000, to fund transportation services for the Division of Senior Services.  This is a unit cost grant agreement, with a start date of January 1, 2017 and an end date of December 31, 2018; 


B) approve Sub-Recipient Agreement by and between Palm Beach County, Florida and the City of Pahokee;


C) approve budget amendment in Palm Tran’s operating fund 1340 to reconcile the budget to the actual grant award; and


D) approve budget transfer in the general fund 0001 to reconcile the budget for match and transfer to actual grant award.


SUMMARY:  On October 18, 2016, the BCC approved a three year Standard Agreement No. IA016-9635 (R2016-1535) allocating funds to provide transportation services to senior citizens who are clients of Division of Senior Services (DOSS) Senior Citizens Wellness Programs and who reside north of Hypoluxo Road.  The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) has issued a subsequent Renewal Number 002, to provide Palm Beach County its annual allocation for 2017 and 2018 for this program to assist with transportation expenditures for Nutrition Meal Site trips.  AAA will provide funds in the amount of $600,000 for Palm Beach County and $44,000 for the City of Pahokee for a total of $644,000. This award has a minimum match requirement of 10% of the total project costs or $60,000, which is included in Palm Tran’s approved FY2018 budget; pass through funds to the City of Pahokee are exempt from the match requirement.  The total cost of DOSS Trips for FY 2017 was $1,450,567, of which $309,500 was covered by the DOSS grants, resulting in a net cost to the County of $1,141,067. The budgeted cost for FY 2018 is $1,549,945, of which $300,000 is covered by the DOSS grants, resulting in an estimated net cost to the County of $1,249,945. Countywide (DR)

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MAY 15, 2018








1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  appointment of one member to the Child Care Advisory Council to fill the position of a representative who operates a child care facility as a private enterprise.  The appointment will expire May 14, 2021.


NOMINEE:                  SEAT No.:                  REQUIREMENT:                        NOMINATED BY:

Ruta Varnavicius          1                    Represents and operates a child                   Staff

care facility as a private enterprise.


SUMMARY: The Child Care Advisory Council is comprised of seven members who serve at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners.  Members must consist of two members who represent and operate private child care facilities in Palm Beach County, one of whom operates a family day care home or large family child care home; one member who represents and operates a parochial child care facility in Palm Beach County; one consumer protection enforcement official; one member for fire protection, engineering or technology; and one member who, at the time of appointment, was the parent of a child attending a child care facility in Palm Beach County; and one representative from the Florida  Department of Children and Families. The applicant for appointment to Seat # 1, Ruta Varnavicius, is the president and operator Bright Child Academy child care facilities.  With this approval, the Council will consist of seven members: two African-American (28.6%) and five Caucasian (71.4%). The gender ratio (female: male) is 6:1. Countywide (HH)





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MAY 15, 2018











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 MAY 15, 2018



 8.        ADJOURNMENT


"If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based."