Americans Are Getting Heavier


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The evidence is clear that Americans are getting heavier. More than half of Americans are overweight! What has been happening?

In the mid 1970s, 16 percent of meals were consumed away from home. Today it is 29 percent. During the 1970s we consumed an average of 1800 calories per day. The average in the mid 1990s jumped to 2000 calories per day.

The increase of 200 calories per day is equal to 20 pounds of weight gain at the end of the year. In addition, Americans are getting less exercise and are not as physically active as they have been in the past.

We need to focus more on healthy lifestyles and maintain a healthier weight. To help make better food choices, we can to follow the food guide pyramid whether at home or away and incorporate physical activity into our daily routine.

For more information, contact the Palm Beach County Cooperative Extension Service at 561-233-1742.